Bobi the farm dog breaks world record as oldest pooch to ever exist at 30

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Bobi is the world
Bobi is the world's oldest ever dog to exist at 30 years old (Image: Guinness World Records)

The record for the world's oldest living dog has just been beaten by Bobi the OAP pooch - and he's also the oldest verified dog in history. Bobi, who was born on 11 May 1992, is 30 years 267 days old - beating chihuahua Spike who was announced the eldest just two weeks ago.

Bobi is a purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo, a breed of livestock guardian dog, and has miraculously doubled the average life expectancy of 12-14 years. According to the Guinness World Records, Bobi has lived his entire life with the Costa family in the rural village of Conqueiros, in Leiria, Portugal.

Bobi the farm dog breaks world record as oldest pooch to ever exist at 30 qhiukiqrihkinvHe will celebrate his 31st birthday in Portugal in May this year (Guinness World Records)
Bobi the farm dog breaks world record as oldest pooch to ever exist at 30Bobi has lived a miracle life after he was supposed to be killed at birth (Guinness World Records)

Australian cattle dog Bluey was previously the oldest dog to ever exist, and lived to be 29 years and five months old.

Bobi's birth date and age has been verified by SIAC, a Portuguese pet database, and the Veterinary Medical Service of the Municipality of Leiria.

His owner Leonel Costa, 38, says Bobi was born as one of four male pups to mother Gira in an outbuilding where the Costa family stored wood.

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Tragically, Leonel's father decided that they couldn't keep the newborn puppies and planned to bury the animals in a hole so they wouldn't survive.

Bobi the farm dog breaks world record as oldest pooch to ever exist at 30The OAP pooch loves eating human food and napping in front of the fire (Guinness World Records)

But he somehow left behind little Bobi and when Leonel and his brothers spotted the miraculous pup in the garden, they kept his existence a secret.

"We knew that when the dog opened its eyes, my parents would no longer bury it. It was popular knowledge that this act could not or should be done," Leonel explained.

It usually takes one to two weeks for newborn puppies to open their eyes, and when Leonel's parents eventually discovered Bobi, it was too late.

Leonel said they were punished but it was "worth it" and loved growing up with little Bobi on the farm.

He describes Bobi as very sociable and says he loves eating "human food" - which he believes contributed to his longevity.

Bobi the farm dog breaks world record as oldest pooch to ever exist at 30He has spent three decades roaming the farmland freely with other animals (Guinness World Records)

"Between a can of animal food or a piece of meat, Bobi doesn't hesitate and chooses our food," he said.

Leonel also thinks one of the biggest contributing factors is the "calm, peaceful environment" away from the city.

Bobi has never been chained up nor attached to a leash, and has always enjoyed roaming the farmland.

As he's got older, he struggles to walk as much and his eyesight has worsened, meaning he often bumps into things.

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The OAP now enjoys more naps and will be found relaxing by the fire on a colder day.

But health wise, he's lived a relatively trouble-free life and only gave Leonel "one big scare" in 2018 when he was hospitalised with breathing problems.

Bobi the farm dog breaks world record as oldest pooch to ever exist at 30The Costa family say he is 'one of a kind' and has a very special place in their hearts (Guinness World Records)

Bobi's mother Gira lived to the age of 18 and one of the family's other dogs Chicote lived to be 22.

So it's not unusual for the Costa family to have a pet's company for such a long while.

"I never thought of registering Bobi to break the record because fortunately our animals have always lasted for many years," Leonel explained.

Though he says Bobi is "one of a kind" and the "last of a long generation of animals".

In May, Bobi will celebrate his 31st birthday, though it's likely he'll be oblivious to the fact he's made history as the oldest dog to ever exist.

Do you think you have the world's oldest ever dog? Email

Nia Dalton

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