Aliens are mutilating sheep and leaving 'very precise' clues, claims UFO hunter

29 May 2023 , 13:04
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Council worker Helena Worth is convinced there are UFOs out there, and that they
Council worker Helena Worth is convinced there are UFOs out there, and that they've come to Wales to kill sheep (Image: Courtesy of Deian Buswell / SWNS)

A UFO hunter has claimed aliens butchered a number of sheep in Wales.

Helena Worth, a self-described “amateur scientist”, became obsessed with aliens after she claimed to have spotted one flying over her home several years ago.

The 41-year-old who works for Ceredigion County Council has now claimed that extra-terrestrial life is responsible for recent mutilations of sheep close to her home.

The cause of the sheep deaths in the Cambrian mountains, which often sees multiple carcasses spread miles apart, has previously been attributed to big cats.

But Helena claims that UFOs are a more likely explanation.

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She said: "With cattle and sheep mutilations it’s always very precise cut marks or something an animal couldn’t do.

Aliens are mutilating sheep and leaving 'very precise' clues, claims UFO hunterHelena has been obsessed with aliens ever since, she claimed, she saw one several years ago (Courtesy of Deian Buswell / SWNS)
Aliens are mutilating sheep and leaving 'very precise' clues, claims UFO hunterShe is a self-described 'amateur scientist' (Courtesy of Deian Buswell / SWNS)

“And there often aren’t any footprints up to the animal, so there is no evidence humans are responsible so maybe it could have come from above.”

For years, farmers in and around the Cambrian Mountains have feared a large cat is responsible for the brutal killings of livestock Cambrian News reported.

Rumours of a large feline lurking in the Ceredigion area emerged as far back as the 1970s when a series of sheep were found eaten.

There have been numerous cases since including the killing of 12 sheep in 1981 in the village of 'Bont' - giving name to the Beast of Bont - and the slaughter of 20 in 2012.

Earlier this year local farmer Jonathan Davies also reported the killing of his sheep to cops.

He said: "Two of my sheep were skinned ... there was no actual body left. Just the skin.

Aliens are mutilating sheep and leaving 'very precise' clues, claims UFO hunterTwo sheep were recently found killed in Wales (stock image) (Lee McLean/SWNS)

"It was so tidy – it was like someone had been there with a knife and skinned them.

“I’d never seen anything like that before. Only the head was left.”

Mr Davies claims he was told by Dyfed-Powys Police that a big cat could have been responsible for killing his yearling ewes.

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Reports of the latest incident is what has prompted Helena to come forward as she claimed the big cat theory wasn't plausible.

She added: "A cat would have left it a mess, which is why I and others believe a UFO could be to blame for these sheep mutilations in Wales."

She claimed that previous sightings of orbs close to the attacks added weight behind her theory.

She added: "There is something in Wales called the 'sheep mutilation corridor'.

"It is an area down Wales where these have occurred. We think UFOs are responsible as orbs have been seen about the time and in the areas these mutilations have happened, both in Wales and in the US."

Recalling her first UFO experience in December 2018, Helena, of Ciliau Aeron, said: "It was six o’clock in the morning and, because it was winter, it was pitch-black outside.

“Then I noticed, at the other side of the valley – which is about three quarters of a mile away – a very bright white, yellow light.

I knew there were houses there and my initial thought was that there was a house on fire.

“I wondered whether I should drive over and find out what was going on or phone the fire brigade.

“And as I was deciding, the bright light started to move. It was circular, like a sphere, and it was hovering until it started to move to the west very slowly but in a straight-line trajectory.

“Then it stopped above some houses, and it was there for a few seconds. I thought I was seeing things but then it started moving back to the east in the same straight line.

“It was moving at between, I would guess, 20 and 30 miles per hour.

“And as it was moving to the east it started dripping – like molten lava was dripping down from it.

“And just before it went out of sight, the craft turned a bright red colour and disappeared behind the trees.”

Felix Nobes

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