The eye-witness account of an atomic bomb that has haunted a family for 66 years

26 May 2023 , 11:22
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Naval rating Neil Haberman, and a picture he took of a crewmate after they saw a nuclear detonation
Naval rating Neil Haberman, and a picture he took of a crewmate after they saw a nuclear detonation

Loraine Hawker treasures the letter which she believes holds the clue to what devastated her family.

First read 66 years ago this week, it describes in detail the nuclear explosion that her father had just witnessed, and which was 20 times more powerful than the one which had flattened the Japanese city of Hiroshima just over a decade earlier.

Nuclear weapons had brought an end to the Second World War, and Britain was building its own to ensure such a conflict could never happen again.

“It sends shivers down my spine when I read the letter,” said Loraine. “I was born 15 years after that bomb exploded, yet it has blighted mine and my children’s entire lives.”

The eye-witness account of an atomic bomb that has haunted a family for 66 years eiqtirirtinvLoraine Hawker and her dad Neil Haberman, pictured during the 1990s

As the war raged, the Nazis and the Allies were both engaged in a race to be first to develop a deadly new bomb which would secure victory. The Americans got there first, dropping two on Japan to bring a final end to hostilities.

Out of touch Rishi Sunak doesn't regularly read papers or online news sitesOut of touch Rishi Sunak doesn't regularly read papers or online news sites

But in the post-war order, Britain found itself cast out. The Soviets, once our allies against the Nazis, were intent on building a socialist superpower, while the Americans wanted to keep the fearsome weapon to themselves.

In 1952, despite rationing and Communist double agents who leaked state secrets, Britain exploded its own atom bomb - but was immediately outgunned. The US and the USSR both quickly developed hydrogen bombs, which were many times more powerful.

In the race to create our own H-bomb, the government sent thousands of British and Commonwealth servicemen to the South Pacific. By 1957, it was ready to launch Operation Grapple, and young naval rating Neil Haberman was among those ordered to take part.

The eye-witness account of an atomic bomb that has haunted a family for 66 yearsNaval rating Neil, pictured on shore before he was posted to Christmas Island on HMS Warrior
The eye-witness account of an atomic bomb that has haunted a family for 66 yearsThe picture Neil gave to his sweetheart Rosemary, who treasured it until his return from the South Pacific

He kissed his sweetheart Rosemary Jessop, a navy Wren, goodbye in Portsmouth and boarded aircraft carrier HMS Warrior for a 8,000-mile journey to Christmas Island, a tiny coral atoll on the other side of the world where the task force was assembling.

Army, navy and air force were all deployed - building runways, laboratories and docks, patrolling by air and sea to keep fishermen and spies away, bringing vital scientific equipment, and the weapon components.

Scientists knew the weapons could cause toxic fallout, so planned to detonate them in the air. The blast zone was to be 400 miles from the main base, on unpopulated Malden Island. But the naval fleet was just a few miles away, forming a security cordon, collecting data, and hosting the scientists and observers.

Warrior was used as the command post, and Neil, then just 22, was among 1,300 sailors ordered on to the flight deck to witness the first bomb, codenamed Short Granite, as it was dropped at a height of 45,000ft from a Valiant bomber at 10.38am local time on May 15, 1957.

The eye-witness account of an atomic bomb that has haunted a family for 66 yearsNeil Haberman took this photograph of a crewmate aboard HMS Warrior just after the explosion
The eye-witness account of an atomic bomb that has haunted a family for 66 yearsNeil playing the saxophone aboard HMS Warrior during some down-time

A clockwork timer meant the 300 kiloton device detonated 8,000 feet up - and the sight horrified Neil.

A few days later, he wrote to Rosemary. “As you will have seen, the first of the H-bombs has been exploded,” he writes. “It was a fascinating, yet in a way terrible sight to witness. Fascinating to watch the great, at first, blinding fireball losing its ferocity while developing to an ever-growing density of blood-red, as if of that of its anticipated countless victims.

"Billowing then to a great white cloud with glimpses of a fiery interior, as to make the surrounding, once-imagined white fluffy clouds seem yellow and puny. Shock waves reverberating on its crest, dust and water a haze beneath, and the white cone of the vortex in between. Yet terrible when the mind adjusts itself to the enormity of the vista before it, and runs havoc in the grasp of visions of such destructive powers unleashed and unchecked in the form of such innocence.”

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He described the total lack of safety clothing or radiation monitoring carried out on the crew, all of whom were ordered into the open to watch, without any sound reason for doing so. Their only protection was goggles to prevent retinal burns. Survivors say the wind was blowing from the east - meaning any toxins from the blast would blow right over the fleet, which was to the west of the target area.

The eye-witness account of an atomic bomb that has haunted a family for 66 yearsNeil's letter home to Rosemary following the first test, using special commemorative stationery distributed by the task force
The eye-witness account of an atomic bomb that has haunted a family for 66 yearsA section of Neil's letter, describing the blast

Neil says tension mounted among the whole crew, but as they lined up on deck, one wag demanded to be posted somewhere else.

“I don’t think there were many people on the flight deck that day who did not feel a twinge of apprehension as the countdown neared zero hour,” he wrote. “Suddenly an unidentified voice shouted: ‘I want a draft chit.’ I thought it was dead funny and it certainly broke the tension. It was 15 seconds before we were able to turn and look and then we saw what I have already described.”

Neil saw two more bombs - the 720 kiloton Orange Herald bomb on May 31, and a 200 kiloton device codenamed Purple Granite on June 19. While they were all hugely powerful weapons, they were considered failures. None had achieved fusion to become the much-needed H-bomb.

That did not stop the British government telling the troops, and media observers, that all three were successful hydrogen weapons, as Neil wrote in his letter. Meanwhile top brass pushed on with another six blasts directly above Christmas Island, which eventually delivered a successful thermonuclear device. It was not until after the Cold War that the truth was revealed.

Afterwards, Neil and Rosemary married, but their family has felt the shadow of those bombs ever since.

The eye-witness account of an atomic bomb that has haunted a family for 66 yearsNeil and Rosemary pictured together in the 1990s
The eye-witness account of an atomic bomb that has haunted a family for 66 yearsNeil pictured with his grandson as a baby. He developed a tumour and needed part of his lung removed aged 16

Neil died aged 67 in 2001, from bowel and liver cancer. Their son was born with brain damage and suffered childhood seizures, before taking his own life aged 41. Daughter Loraine, 62, of Edgbaston, was born with a blood disorder and had difficult births with her two sons. One developed a carcinoid tumour aged 16 and had part of his lung removed, while her youngest was born with rare genetic condition de Grouchy syndrome, and she was told he’d never walk, talk, or live past the age of 10.

Now aged 34, he is in supported accommodation but has severe learning difficulties.

There are an estimated 155,000 descendants of the nuclear test veterans, 20% of whom report having birth defects. The rate in the general population is 2%, but no British government has ever funded a study into what caused so many extra problems for the descendants of nuclear veterans.

The eye-witness account of an atomic bomb that has haunted a family for 66 yearsLoraine wants answers from the MoD

The Mirror reported last November on evidence that the Atomic Weapons Establishment holds details on blood and urine samples taken of servicemen at the tests, on orders from Whitehall, which could definitively prove whether they ingested radioactive fallout.

Widows, veterans, and next of kin who have asked to see the results have been refused access, or told they are not in their medical files. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said he would meet campaigners when he announced a medal for the veterans, but now says he is too busy.

Loraine said: “There’s not a single person in my family who hasn’t got something wrong. This has haunted us. I know it can be just plain bad luck, but not knowing whether it was the radiation has been an extra burden. From my dad’s letters you can see how unhappy he was, how they weren’t telling him anything about what was going to happen, and that attitude has carried on with the families even today. The not knowing, the lack of honesty from the Ministry of Defence, is unforgivable.”

Withholding, falsifying, or destroying a medical record is a criminal offence, and veteran families have called for a public inquiry to investigate what they believe is a cover-up.

“I promised my dad I’d keep on fighting for him. We’ll apply for the new medal they’ve announced, but it’s not enough,” said Loraine. “There’s just too much coincidence here for me to believe that what my family has suffered is not linked to the bomb tests. We need answers.”

Susie Boniface

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