Puzzle lovers struggle to find cat hiding in plain sight in perplexing image

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The puzzle takes a bit of concentration (Image: Reddit)
The puzzle takes a bit of concentration (Image: Reddit)

Cat owners will know all too well how crafty they can be when it comes to finding snug, and often unexpected, hiding places to nap in. With this in mind, it's no surprise that an image has gone viral which shows a sneaky cat hiding in plain sight - and barely anyone can spot it.

The image in question shows a room filled with clutter, with boxes piled up high beside a bookcase groaning with books. At first, there appears to be no sign of life whatsoever, but with a little bit of concentration, the cunning feline's hiding place becomes apparent.

You can have a try for yourself below:

Puzzle lovers struggle to find cat hiding in plain sight in perplexing image eidqidrhiqxdinvThe hiding place isn't immediately obvious (Reddit)

The picture was originally shared on Reddit, where many users were left absolutely baffled by the puzzle, unable to figure out where on Earth the cat could be hiding. When you see it, however, it suddenly seems so obvious.

For those who still can't see it, the cat is quite small, and is also black and white, meaning it isn't the easiest to spot. Try and think where you'd head to if you were a cat looking for a peaceful snooze.

Missing cat who secretly lived in London Underground lured after scary ordealMissing cat who secretly lived in London Underground lured after scary ordeal

How long did it take you to spot? Look away now if you're still having a go.

Puzzle lovers struggle to find cat hiding in plain sight in perplexing imageThe cat seems quite happy, tucked away from view (Reddit)

The little black cat is in fact nestled on the bookcase on the second row up on the right-hand side and appears to be quite happy perched up on the books, out of sight of any pesky humans.

This puzzling pic comes after a number of people were left scratching their heads over a fascinatingly confusing optical illusion, that at first glance appears to show a painting of a stormy beach at night.

After a closer look, it becomes clear that this is actually a photograph of the lower part of the car gate which is in need of repair. You can check it out for yourself here

Do you have an optical illusion to share? Email us at [email protected]

Julia Banim

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