Drug-fuelled thug guilty of murder after telling victim ’payback’s a bi**h’ following champagne bottle attack

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Drug-fuelled thug guilty of murder after telling victim ’payback’s a bi**h’ following champagne bottle attack
Drug-fuelled thug guilty of murder after telling victim ’payback’s a bi**h’ following champagne bottle attack

’Never underestimate a short-a**e’, Dean Hughes told Shane Maloney as he lay unconscious

A drug-fuelled thug left a man unable to speak and having to be fed through a tube after a brutal attack which ultimately killed him. Shane Maloney, 26, died nearly 16 months after being hit over the head with a champagne bottle by Dean Hughes, who was under the influence of alcohol, crack cocaine, prescription methadone and diazepam.

"Never underestimate a short-a**e,” Hughes told Mr Maloney, as he lay unconscious in the aftermath of the attack. Payback’s a bi***h," he added.

The pair were at a house in Leigh and had become involved in an argument over a mobile phone, Manchester Crown Court heard. Hughes, 46, previously admitted causing grievous bodily harm in relation to the attack and was sentenced to eight years in prison.

But following Mr Maloney’s death, Hughes was hauled before the court again and accused of murder. He was found guilty after a trial and will be sentenced next week.

Mr Maloney suffered a ‘severe brain injury’ which left him with ‘severe cognitive and physical neurological impairments’. He had no speech, ‘a lack of understanding of verbal language’ and had to be fed through a tube, jurors heard. He never recovered and was placed in a rehabilitation unit where he was dependent on others for his care, prosecutor Michael Brady KC said. 

Prosecutors told how paramedics and police were called to a house on Wigan Road in Leigh on the evening of November 8, 2019. First responders found Mr Maloney lying in a ginnel at the back of the property.


Shane Maloney

He was unconscious, covered in blood and had a large cut to his head. Hughes was also present at the address along with his girlfriend and Mr Maloney’s girlfriend.

The two couples had been drinking in the dining room of the home when a row erupted over a mobile phone. The row concerned Mr Maloney’s girlfriend’s phone, which Hughes had borrowed to make a call.

Police officers who later attended the scene noticed that Hughes was ‘unsteady on his feet’, and appeared to be under the influence of drink or drugs. Gordon Beattie, a police officer who attended the address, described Hughes as ‘hysterical’ and said he appeared to have swelling and bruising to his right eye while his hands and clothes were covered in blood.

While Mr Maloney was unconscious, video footage captured 5ft 4in Hughes telling him: "Never underestimate a short-a**e. Payback’s a bitch.” Mr Maloney was taken to hospital, having suffered bleeding and bruising to the brain, as well as a severe skull fracture.

The court heard that Hughes was arrested at the scene and repeatedly told officers that Mr Maloney had ‘hit me first’. After receiving hospital treatment for his own injuries, Hughes told a police officer: “I don’t even know the lad. He punched me first and hit me with a bottle.

"I punched him back and then I hit him with a bottle a few times. When he was on the floor I kicked him in the head a few times.”

Hughes was convicted following a trial at Manchester Crown Court (Image: MEN Media)

Mr Maloney went to live at a nursing home following the attack. A resident found him face down in his bed on February 23, 2021. He was taken to hospital, where he was believed to have developed aspiration pneumonia.

Despite receiving treatment, his condition worsened and he died on the evening of March 10, 2021. A post-mortem examination found that Mr Maloney had died from ‘pneumonia and a traumatic head injury’.

"There is no issue in this case that Mr Maloney died as a result of the injuries he sustained in the attack on November 8, 2019," Mr Brady told jurors during the trial.

"The issue in this case is whether the defendant acted lawfully in inflicting those injuries." Mr Brady said a pathologist had ruled that there was ‘a direct causal link between the development of the fatal chest infection and the original head injury fifteen months prior to his death’.

Giving evidence, Hughes said he had hit Mr Maloney with the champagne bottle to prevent him from stabbing him with a steak knife. He said that Mr Maloney had punched him and hit him with a beer bottle.

Hughes said: "I was panicking because he’s hitting me. I can remember him then coming towards me with a steak knife." Hughes said he grabbed the knife to ’stop him from stabbing me’.

He said he let go of the knife ’because it cut my hands’. Hughes added: "I turned around and grabbed the champagne bottle with both hands and struck him to the head, once."

Hughes said he was ’upset’ when he later realised how serious Mr Maloney’s injuries were. Asked why he had admitted the charge of wounding with intent, the defendant said: "They offered it on the grounds of self-defence with excessive force."

But a jury found Hughes, of no fixed address, guilty of murder.

James Smith

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