Kylie Jenner details struggles after pregnancy and getting her 'body back'

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Kylie Jenner stars in a new interview with The New York Times. (Image: Getty Images)
Kylie Jenner stars in a new interview with The New York Times. (Image: Getty Images)

Kylie Jenner has got candid about life after pregnancy, admitting she struggled to feel herself after having her two children.

The Kardashians fan-favourite shares two children with Travis Scott, one-year-old Aire and five-year-old Stormi. She's always been open about her battle with postpartum depression, but detailed more in a recent sit-down tell-all interview.

"It takes me a while after I have a baby to feel like myself again," the make-up mogul revealed in her interview with The New York Times. She spoke of feelings of getting her "body back" after pregnancy and how that feels in a fast-paced fashion world.

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Kylie Jenner details struggles after pregnancy and getting her 'body back' qhiqqxiqdireinvKylie has been open about postpartum depression (AFP via Getty Images)

Kylie told The Times: "Then you get your body back, and you're like, "Wait, the trends have changed'." It's not the first time she's been so open about life after giving birth, once explaining the impacts on her mental health after giving birth to Aire.

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"I have experienced (postpartum depression) twice," the mum-of-two previously told Vanity Fair. "The first time was very difficult, but the second was more manageable." She offered up her words of wisdom to any pregnant women.

"I would tell those women not to overthink things and to live all the emotions of that moment to the fullest," Jenner said. "Stay inside that moment, even if it is painful. I know, in those moments, you think that it will never pass, that your body will never be the same as before, that you will never be the same. That's not true."

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She added: "The hormones, the emotions at that stage, are much, much more powerful and bigger than you. My advice is to live through that transition without fear of the aftermath. The risk is to miss all the most beautiful things of motherhood as well."

Kylie also referenced her depression on The Kardashians, speaking to her sister Kendall Jenner on the Hulu and Disney Plus programme in October 2022, explaining that her battle with her mental health had been "really hard for me".

"I cried non-stop all day for the first three weeks," Kylie told Kendall. "It's just the baby blues, and then it kind of goes away. I had it with Stormi too." She said she would cry so much she would "lay in bed and my head would hurt so much".

Harry Rutter

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