MP arrested on suspicion of rape seen in Parliament despite order to keep away

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Crispin Blunt had the Tory whip suspended in October pending the outcome of the police investigation (Image:
Crispin Blunt had the Tory whip suspended in October pending the outcome of the police investigation (Image:

An MP arrested over an allegation of rape returned to Parliament last week despite being told to keep away, according to reports.

Crispin Blunt, who had the Tory whip suspended in October pending the outcome of a police investigation, was arrested over an allegation of rape and possession of drugs. He was asked to stay away from the parliamentary estate but was spotted in the Commons on Friday voting on a bill to ban conversion therapy.

He also plans to continue voting on issues that are important to his constituents in Reigate, the Sun on Sunday reported. A vote on whether MPs who are accused of sex offences should be banned from Parliament has been delayed again.

Mr Blunt said: “It is concerning and I am naturally very disappointed, that the vote on this proposal has now been delayed indefinitely.

“In the absence of a date to resolve this, which adequately manages the risks of all involved, I will, consistent with the wider intent around protecting people in their workplace, now vote where I consider it is a priority for my constituents and my country to do so. I hope the proposal due for consideration this Monday is re-tabled as soon as possible."

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Labour MP Jess Phillips told the newspaper: “I think that Crispin Blunt shouldn’t come in and vote. But it also should not be the case that the process relies on a gentleman’s agreement. The government are running scared of backbenchers, the exclusion needs to be voted on by parliament.”

A House of Commons spokesman said: “Whilst we cannot comment on specific cases, Parliament is committed to making sure that those working in Parliament feel supported and safe at work and there are a range of external and internal support and advice services available for everyone to use. Information on support services available are regularly communicated to staff, MPs and their staff.”

Mr Blunt, 63, who has been the MP for Reigate since 1997, published a statement at the end of October to confirm he was arrested “in connection with an allegation of rape” and that he was interviewed under caution. He denies the allegations.

He explained it had been the second time he’d been quizzed about the incident, with the first time being three weeks before when he reported concerns of blackmail. The MP said the arrest was "unnecessary" and said he was “confident” the investigation “will end without charge".

When contacted by the Mirror, Mr Blunt defended voting on the conversion therapy ban. "On Friday I voted in support of preventing the Conversion Therapy Ban Bill being talked out by its opponents. Conversion Therapy is now understood to be a cruel process through which no human being should go, being driven by others to not be true to themselves," he said.

He added: "With the issue of the Gaza war at the forefront of international and national affairs, central to policy issues on which I have been closely engaged for decades, it has been a personally challenging and politically frustrating period. At a minimum voting in the Commons to express one’s opinion as an elected representative should be enabled and it should be of concern that it can currently, in practice, be prevented on the basis of an allegation alone. This opens the door for any group or side in to pick off MPs if they see that as necessary."

Sophie Huskisson

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