Killer inspired by Don't F**k with Cats documentary faces jailed for 24 years

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Scarlet Blake
Scarlet Blake's custody image (Image: PA)

A woman who live-streamed the sadistic killing of her own pet cat, in a disturbing homage to a Netflix documentary, was jailed for 24 years after hitting a man over the head then watching him drown.

Scarlet Blake stalked the streets of Oxford in July 2021, before picking out Jorge Martin Carreno as he walked home from a night out. The 26-year-old who was obsessed with violence and death led him to a secluded riverbank hit him over the back of the head with a vodka bottle, strangled him and then pushed into the River Cherwell, a jury heard.

Last week, they found her guilty of his murder and today she is set to be given a life sentence at Oxford Crown Court. She has been sentenced to a minimum of 24 years behind bars.

The court heard Mr Martin Carreno's murder came four months after she live-streamed the sadistic killing of a cat. She dissected the animal, removed its fur and skin, and placed its body in a blender. During the horrific video, the New Order song True Faith can be heard playing in the background, which the court heard was in homage to the Netflix documentary Don’t F**k with Cats in which a man kills kittens before filming the murder of a human.

Prosecutors told jurors Blake when out armed with “murder kit” in her rucksack, including a garrotte and leopard print dressing gown cord. The Home Office pathologist ruled out the possibility Mr Martin Carreno died immediately after being strangled and said he drowned.

Double killer who slit girlfriend's throat within weeks of release jailed qeithiqqriqktinvDouble killer who slit girlfriend's throat within weeks of release jailed

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Blake caught saying she wants to kill a person

Following her sentence, police officers have release an audio clip from the cat killing video in which Scarlet Blake confesses that she would like to one day kill a person.

The video was recorded just four months before Jorge Martin Carreno was murdered by her. Having just killed the cat she can be heard saying: "Well, one day I want to learn how to do this to a person."

Read the full story here

Killer inspired by Don't F**k with Cats documentary faces jailed for 24 yearsScarlet Blake holding a cat head after killing it (PA)

Scarlet Blake's nine-chilling words downplaying her arrest for brutal murder of man

Shocking footage has revealed the chilling nine-word sentence cat killer Scarlet Blake uttered as she was arrested for murdering a man after becoming inspired by a Netflix documentary.

Blake, 26, has been jailed for life after she brutally targeted Jorge Martin Carreno, 30, on his way home in Oxford in July 2021. She led him to a quiet riverbank before she struck him from behind with a vodka bottle, strangled him and pushed him into the water. Bodycam footage of her arrest shows Blake playing down the severity of her crime. She turned to the police officers and said: "(It) could be worse though. At least it's not genocide."

Read more here Cat killer's nine-chilling words downplaying her arrest for brutal murder of man

DNA key to tying Blake to the killing

Prosecutors have said CCTV footage of Blake with Jorge helped identify her as his killer, but DNA on the vodka bottle was key to securing her conviction for murder.

Killer dances in his victim's house with twerking model who later turned on himKiller dances in his victim's house with twerking model who later turned on him

Crown Prosecution Service lawyer Hayley Garey said: “This was a complex and challenging case, but once Scarlet Blake was identified as the person walking with Jorge Carreno on the night he died, we were able to build a case based on medical and forensic evidence that secured a conviction for murder.

“DNA on the top of a vodka bottle placed Blake at the riverside where Jorge died, and pathology results interpreted alongside Blake’s interests in strangulation provided a clear picture to the jury of how Jorge was killed.

“Scarlet Blake will now spend a long time in prison for these extremely disturbing and cruel crimes.

“Jorge’s family have suffered an immeasurable loss, but we hope that this sentence brings them some sense of justice.”

Punished for cat killing

After sentencing her for murder the judge turned to punishing her for killing a cat the she live streamed.

He told her that the maximum offence for killing the cat is five years imprisonment but he would take into account her guilty pleas for criminal damage, of which the maximum penalty is three months in jail.

Judge Chamberlain told her: "It was a beloved family pet," before sentencing her to four months on one charge and two months on another which will be served concurrently to her murder conviction.

She will serve at least 24 years

Scarlet Blake has been jailed for life for the murder of Jorge Martin Carreno.

She will serve a minimum of 24 years behind bars.

The judge told Blake: "When you left home in the early hours of July 25, 2021, I am sure you had intended to kill someone for some time.

"Second, the murder also involved substantial planning. It was the first weekend after nightclubs were permitted to open after covid restrictions. You knew, between 3am and 5am, that you stood a good chance of finding someone vulnerable, that is why you picked that time to walk into central Oxford.

"Third, although you knew nothing of your victim, your process of selecting him was quite deliberate. You could be seen on CCTV sizing up potential victims. You chose him because he looked vulnerable, smaller and slighter than you, and had had something to drink.

"Fourth, you decided to kill someone because you thought Ashlynn Bell would find it sexually exciting which in fact she did. You said you killed because 'your lover thought it would be hot'. There was therefore a clear sexual motivation for the killing.

"I am sure you did derive pleasure from killing Jorge as you did from killing the cat.

"Fifth, you revelled in what you had done. Turning at least twice to the scene."

Killer inspired by Don't F**k with Cats documentary faces jailed for 24 years (PA)

Scarlet Blake jailed for life

A cat killer obsessed with violence and death who murdered a man she deliberately targeted before brutally attacking him and leaving him to drown in a river, has been jailed for life.

Scarlet Blake singled out Jorge Martin Carreno as he walked home from a night out in Oxford in July 2021. She led him to a secluded riverbank where he was hit to the back of the head with a vodka bottle, strangled and then pushed into the River Cherwell where the 30-year-old drowned, Oxford Crown Court heard.

Prosecutors said Blake, 26, killed the BMW worker because she had a “fixation with violence and with knowing what it would be like to kill someone”. His murder came four months after she live-streamed the sadistic killing of a cat. Blake told the family pet: “Here we go my little friend. Oh boy, you smell like shit. I can’t wait to put through the blender.”

Read more here Evil cat killer 'fixated on violence' hit man with bottle then watched him drown

"You enjoyed seeing cat gasp and panic"

The judge refers to how Blake enjoyed killing the cat, which she filmed herself hurting four months before the murder.

He said: "The thing you enjoyed most was seeing the animal gasping and panicking before it died. You told the jury you did all this to please Ashlynn Bell and derived no pleasure from it yourself.

"You invited the jury to conclude you disapprove of people who are cruel to animals. But the clips we saw of you laughing and smiling with the cats severed head in the background leave no doubt that you derived pleasure."

The judge added that Blake's evidence that the track "True Faith" by New Order, which was played in the background of the cat video, was nothing to do with murderer Luka Magnotta in the Netflix documentary, 'Don't F*** With Cats'.

Judge Chamberlain said he is sure this is untrue.

Judge tells Blake - Jorge is dead because of you

Judge Martin Chamberlain is telling Scarlet Blake: "On July 25, 2021, Jorge had just turned 30. He was a triplet and they grew up together, they were best friends. His life was full of love for music, rock-climbing and sports. He used his engineering skills at his work here in Oxford at the BMW Plant in Cowley.

"They [his family] have suffered sleepless nights and days drowned in sorrow. They described a deep wound that Jorge's loss has left in their hearts. His ex-partner, Irene Hidalgo, described him as the kindest person she had ever met. She said he was positive and looking forward to the future. Her grief of the man she loved was palpable.

"He was taken because you, Scarlet Blake, killed him."

The judge added: "You may have held him down in the water," he said. "Either way you intended to kill him and you did kill him. Your decision to kill Jorge was not a reaction to something he had said and done, it was not a momentary mistake. It was not a decision made in anger or because your emotions overcame you.

"It was a plan you had been considering for months."

He added: "The decision to kill was entirely yours."

Judge back in court

The sentencing hearing is set to resume at Oxford Crown Court

Blake confessed to friend

Scarlet Blake confessed to her former partner Ashlynn Bell, who lives in the USA, that she had killed Jorge Martin Carreno after seeing reports of his death on the news.

At trial though, when she took to the stand herself, she told the jury that she had created a fictious story.

She said: “I told Ashlynn that I killed that person, I made up the details in a dramatic way.

“I told her I used a garotte that I made to try and remove the person’s head but it was more difficult than I would have imagined and then I dumped the body in the river which is what they are now pulling out.”

Details of the confession were contained in information presented to pathologist Dr Brett Lockyer ahead of him preparing a further medical report last year.

Richard Sutton KC, defending, told the trial: “Bell states she had seen the CCTV released to the media and confirmed this to be Blake. She also identifies the coat worn by Blake in the CCTV and she is in possession of this.

“Police believe we can confirm the person seen on the CCTV is Scarlet Blake. The disclosure Blake has made to Bell is that Blake lured Jorge away from a bar or found him alone and drunk walking from a bar and she then led him down a path to a river or pond where they sat and talked.

“She then got behind him and used a garrotte that she had made and used this on him. He stopped moving and then Blake tried to see if she could break his neck or tear his head from his neck.

“Blake couldn’t and then threw the body in the water. Bell took it that Blake thought he was dead before she tried to take his head from his neck."

"At least it's not genocide"

Scarlet Blake who is being sentenced today for the murder of Jorge Martin Carreno told police "At least it's not genocide" as she was arrested for murder.

Bodyworn footage of her arrest shows her asking for nicotine patches as she moans that she has been arrested and is going through withdrawl at the same time.

She can be heard telling officers: "Yeah, it's not too bad, I'm just going to be grumpy for a while which is annoying, but I don't know, it feels like beig arrested and also withdrawls."

She then adds: "Could be worse though. At least it's not genocide."

Thames Valley Police full statement after conviction

Senior Investigating Officer Detective Superintendent Jon Capps said: “Today’s verdict marks the end of a long and complex investigation. I know that many will want to focus on the actions and behaviour of this defendant.

“There are several aspects of this case that have been truly disturbing to see, hear and deal with. This defendant showed calculated cruelty. The acts Blake has been convicted of are barbaric and chilling. The murder was premeditated with total disregard and distain for life.

“Thankfully crimes such as these are incredibly rare. I want rather to focus on Jorge and his family and pay tribute to them and the enormous dignity they have shown throughout this ordeal.

“They have put their trust in my team. I cannot begin to imagine the pain they feel. As the evidence has developed they have had to try to come to terms with this not only being a murder, but the nature and character of this defendant, something that I know has served only to compound the grief they feel. There can be no beginning to understanding this senseless act.

“Jorge was enjoying a night out with friends and had his life in front of him. He had made plans, he was happy and in the words of his friend, ‘ready to enjoy every single drop of his life’. That has been taken away from him. He clearly meant so much to so many. It is Jorge’s life that will be remembered over and above the actions of this defendant. The family tribute is beautiful to read and says more than I ever could possibly do justice to.

“My team have worked tirelessly under enormous pressure to achieve this outcome and put the best possible case before the jury. Their dedication and pride in their work, motivated to obtain justice for Jorge and his family, has been outstanding. In gathering and reviewing evidence, they have been exposed to material that no one should ever have to review. This work is nearly always an unseen part of policing but their resilience has been exceptional. I am proud of all of them.

“We have been assisted throughout this investigation by numerous experts from the National Crime Agency, whose advice proved invaluable. I also want to particularly acknowledge the assistance given to us by the United States Postal Inspection Service in this case; they went out of their way to ensure that recovering evidence and conducting enquiries in the United States was as smooth as possible. Their support helped ensure charges against this defendant and has played a significant part in subsequently securing a conviction.

“The skill and expertise of prosecuting counsel has been plain to see and I extend my sincere thanks to them for sharing the determination to obtain justice for this family.

“I know the jury have had to see and listen to very disturbing evidence and support will be offered to them. I want to thank them for their careful considerations in this case, in difficult circumstances.

“Whilst our investigation can never ease the pain felt by the family, I hope that this outcome at least gives a sense of justice and has given a voice to Jorge, whose life will forever be remembered by all those he meant so much to.”

Sentencing to be passed at 2.15pm

Judge Chamberlain told the court: "I am going to reflect on the evidence I've heard." He is going to return for his sentencing at 2.15pm.

Killer inspired by Don't F**k with Cats documentary faces jailed for 24 yearsThis CCTV grab released by police shows Jorge Carreno in Oxford City Centre (Thames Valley Police / SWNS)

Victim in the wrong place at the wrong time

Blake's defence barrister Richard Sutton KC is still addressing the judge and has said Mr Martin Carreno was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

He said: "I can't argue that there was no premeditation of going out to find a victim for killing, that seems to be part and parcel in the background.

"One has to bear in mind what was said in the cat video.

"Sadly, on this occasion, Mr Carreno happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"This was a genuine going out out at an abnormal time of night and enjoying herself, in her case just walking.

"She hadn't premediated to find someone at Radcliffe Camera, there was an opportunity for her to do something she had been thinking about in her mind for some time.

"There was person, who we say wasn't particularly vulnerable according to age or disability, but a person who was prepared, who as was walking quite willingly with the defendant to Parsons Pleasure.

"It's interesting to submit there is no indication of kidnap or forcing Mr Carreno to go with her."

Cat killing is relevant to Jorge's murder

Judge Martin Chamberlain has confirmed to the court that Blake's killing of the cat is “relevant”.

He said: “Well certainly, the cat incident is relevant because it casts a light on how the defendant’s attention developed and that issue is relevant to the sentence, the minimum term rather, for murder.”

Blake sits in court with arms crossed

Scarlet Blake is sitting in court with her arms crossed listening to her defence lawyer speak on her behalf to the judge, before he passes sentence.

Richard Sutton KC is arguing that her minimum term should be 15 years - not 30 as the prosecution want - as he claims the murder was not sexually motivated.

He said: "Looking at her background, she is, in one sense, a dangerous person, with the lifestyle she has adopted it's unlikely that any parole board will feel she is fit to be released back into safety. She could be [imprisoned] for life."

He asked the judge to consider if the murder was sexually motivated. He said: "The defendant provided them [Evie Brockman and Ashlynn Bell] with that satisfaction.

"This was her initiation ceremony in the group. The real motivation was not to get sexual pleasure out of it but to get acceptance from it."

"That would explain why there was no gore involved in the murder," he added. "She did what was necessary to prove herself to Miss Bell.

"So we say unless there was strong evidence that she got some form of sexual gratification then it is more likely in this case that it was not sexually motivated but more so to get approval from those involved."

Cat killing is criminal damage

The court heard that Scarlet Blake had already pleaded guilty to criminal damage concerning the killing of the cat prior to the murder trial starting.

Judge Chamberlain said because the offence took place before July 2021, the highest sentence he could deliver for criminal damage is six months.

"The cat incident is relevant as it casts a light on the day the defendant's intention developed and that issue is relevant to the sentence, the minimum term rather, for murder," he said.

Defendant took sexual gratification from killing

Prosecutor Alison Morgan KC jas told the court this was a 'murder involving sexual conduct'.

She tells the judge: "The defendant derived obvious sexual gratification throughout the course of the cat-killing video.

"She subsequently described those events as sexual pleasure in relaying the events with Evie Brockman."

Ms Morgan adds: "We submit this is a murder which involves sexual conduct due to the particular manner the defendant chose to kill the deceased.

"It's accepted there is no evidence of a sexual assault. However, we respectfully invite the court to conclude that the act of strangulation was an act of a sexual nature.

"It was a particular action chosen by this defendant, an action indicated by the evidence of Dr Lockyer, which did not within itself cause death, the court is invited to conclude it was a gratuitous act.

"Having selected an action of that was an act undertaken because it was associated by her with sexual gratification.

"All that evidence clearly establishes a sexual motivation for the killing. Plainly after the event, the defendant gains sexual gratification from the murder."

Jorge's mum address the court

Victim Jorge's mum is reading her statement to the judge in Spanish.

It is being translated into English for the court.

As a picture of her son is shown to the court, she said: "We as family wish to pay tribute to Jorge. Jorge was not only an exemplary child but an exceptional being. He dreamed of a future where he could make a difference with his skills - to build a better world.

"He played guitar skilfully and radiated kindness and humour to those of us lucky enough to him. Being a triplet brother...he was also their best friend. His sense of humour filled every space. Jorge with his caring and friendly nature was always spreading joy with his wit and contagious curiosity.

"He was always ready to help and listen to others. He was overall an incredibly good person. The loss of Jorge has not only left an open wound in this family but to all those who had the pleasure of knowing him.

"It's left a void impossible to feel. The pain of losing a son and brother in such strife is a trial no family should face. Today his absence leaves a great wound in our hearts. His life was stolen.

"There can be no peace until justice is served. We don't just ask for justice for him but protection for other families."

Family statements read to court

Gerardo Carreno, Jorge's brother, has taken the stand in the courtroom to read his statement along with Jorge's second brother, Juan.

He said: "Jorge Carreno is the victim. For us, he is a son and brother, we share a unique bond. We are triplets, born together, live together, we are best friends. With his caring and friendly nature he was always spreading joy. His great sense of humour and joy of life.

"He was known for his incredible affection. He was always ready to help. He was an incredibly good person. His life was full of love. He studied electrical engineering where his passion was evident, he dreamed of a future where he could make a difference.

"Going through the pain of losing a son and a brother is a challenge no family should face. His life was stolen by Scarlet. The last two years have felt like an eternity. It's been sleepless nights and days.

"We ask you to understand the full extent of our loss. We hope the justice served today with reflect the loss we've suffered.

"Scarlet Blake has no remorse, making it more difficult for us to process. Knowing she has taken the life of Jorge for her own sexual conviction.

"It's difficult to know. It was chilling to hear her in this court, her lack of empathy is evident.

"This inexplicable loss helps us to fight where justice prevails and create a safer future for everyone.

"Every day we will remember Jorge. His laughter, his joy.

"Thank you for being part of this family. We feel fortunate to have you in our lives.

"Jorge you will always be present in our hearts."

"Your voice will never be silenced"

Blake's victim Jorge Martin Carreno has been described as kind, passionate, and pure by his former girlfriend who said his "voice will never be silenced".

Irene Hidalgo has told how she moved from Spain with Mr Martin Carreno in 2019 after meeting him two years earlier on a dating app. Despite their relationship ending the pair stayed close friends.

Speaking to the Oxford Mail she said: “Jorge was a person who rejoiced in my accomplishments, who pushed me to achieve my goals. Who celebrated everything good that could happen to me, not only when we were a couple, but always. I can say with certainty that I am where I am, in part, thanks to him.

“Jorge was that person who was proud of his family, for whom his siblings meant everything, he loved them. And he made you part of that love, he knew how to convey it so well. He was that person who did everything with heart, with passion, and that made him authentic.

“Now that I know who took your life, now that I can put a name and surname to that person, I only wish that wherever you are, you are at peace. That wherever you are, you know that we miss you very much and that we will never forget you. As long as I am alive, your voice will never be silenced.”

Killer inspired by Don't F**k with Cats documentary faces jailed for 24 yearsBlake is led from the court

Jorge's life was stolen

Following Blake's guilty verdict last week, Mr Martin Carreno’s family released a statement, paying tribute to him and speaking of their heartbreak.

They said: “The loss of Jorge has left an open wound in the heart of his family but also in all those who had the pleasure of knowing him.

“This loss feels like a traumatic, devastating blow, leaving a void impossible to fill. Going through the pain of losing a son, a brother, under such tragic and unjustified circumstances, is a trial no family should face.

“Today his absence leaves a deep wound in our hearts. His life was stolen, cutting short his projects and dreams. This tribute is a reminder of Jorge but also a call to justice. There can be no peace until justice is served.

“We ask not only for justice for him but also for protection to prevent other people, other families, from suffering the immense pain caused by such cruel and senseless murders. We extend our heartfelt thanks for the incredible support from family, friends, the police, and our lawyers during this tough time.

“Your kindness, support and solidarity have been a guiding light in the pursuit of justice for Jorge, providing hope and showing immense respect to our family. To those who offered comfort and helped honour Jorge’s memory, your generosity is deeply appreciated.

“Thank you for advocating for Jorge and standing with us. May this inexplicable loss drive us to fight for a world where justice prevails and where we can build a safer future for everyone. Every day, we will remember Jorge, his laughter, his joy, his zest for life, and all those unforgettable moments we shared.

“Thank you for being part of this family; we feel fortunate to have had you in our lives. Thank you for teaching us to live with heart and soul. Jorge, you will always be present in our hearts.”

Killer inspired by Don't F**k with Cats documentary faces jailed for 24 years (HNP Newsdesk/Hyde News & Pictures Ltd)

Jorge Martin Carreno was just walking home

Jorge Martin Carreno was just walking home from an evening out with friends he worked with when he came across Scarlet Blake.

He worked at the BMW factory in Oxford and had been socialising with his colleagues in July 2021.

CCTV footage shows Mr Martin Carreno trying to find his way home, while Blake walked the streets, wearing a facemask and distinctive combat-style jacket with hood over her head, while carrying a rucksack.

Prosecutors suggested she was carrying a “murder kit” in her rucksack, including a garrotte and leopard print dressing gown cord.

CCTV showed Mr Carreno sitting down in Radcliffe Square. He meets Blake who offers him her bottle of vodka.

She then later led him to the secluded Parsons Pleasure area, where she is believed to have hit him to the back of his head, strangled him and drowned him in the river, where he was found lying face down the following day.

Prosecutor seeking 30 year jail term

Blake will today be sentenced to life in prison and the judge will determine the minimum term she will serve before being considered for parole.

At the end of the trial, Alison Morgan KC, prosecuting, said the Crown would be inviting the court to impose a minimum prison term starting at 30 years, because Mr Marton Carreno's was "a murder involving sexual or sadistic conduct".

The judge will listen to mitigation on Blake's behalf before making the ruling.

Jury told of her "extreme interest in death"

During the trial jurors watched a disturbing video of Scarlet Blake consensually tying a ligature around her then female partner’s neck from behind and pulling it tight until she appears to fall unconscious.

Prosecutors told the trial she had an “extreme interest in death and in harm” and got sexual gratification from violence and killings. She had “boasted” about the killing of her cat with others and “her desire to open up a person like her ‘little cat friend’”.

Blake would later tell the jury she had seen news reports of Mr Martin Carreno's body being found and created a fictitious story.

“I told Ashlynn that I killed that person, I made up the details in a dramatic way,” she said. “I told her I used a garotte that I made to try and remove the person’s head but it was more difficult than I would have imagined and then I dumped the body in the river which is what they are now pulling out.”

Blake also sought to blame Bell for making her kill the cat, saying: “There was a building up and her conditioning me to obey what she tells me to do. She would make me do things on video call like cutting myself or setting up a noose from the ceiling and putting my head through it.”

Killer inspired by Don't F**k with Cats documentary faces jailed for 24 yearsA photo found on Blake's phone (Thames Valley Police / SWNS)

Disturbing aspects of the case

The detective who led the murder investigation said there were many aspects of the "long and complex case" that were disturbing.

Speaking after Blake was found guilty, Detective Superintendent Jon Capps said: “There are several aspects of this case that have been truly disturbing to see, hear and deal with.

"This defendant showed calculated cruelty. The acts Blake has been convicted of are barbaric and chilling. The murder was premeditated with total disregard and distain for life.

“Thankfully crimes such as these are incredibly rare.

“I want rather to focus on Jorge and his family and pay tribute to them and the enormous dignity they have shown throughout this ordeal.

"They have put their trust in my team. I cannot begin to imagine the pain they feel.

“As the evidence has developed they have had to try to come to terms with this not only being a murder, but the nature and character of this defendant, something that I know has served only to compound the grief they feel.

“There can be no beginning to understanding this senseless act.”

Killer inspired by Don't F**k with Cats documentary faces jailed for 24 yearsA t-shirt worn by Blake

Cat killing inspired by Netflix documentary

Four months before she killed Jorge Martin Carreno, Scarlet Blake live-streamed as she killed a cat as an apparent homage to the Netflix documentary called Don’t F**k with Cats in which a man kills kittens before filming the murder of a human.

Blake told the family pet: “Here we go my little friend. Oh boy, you smell like shit. I can’t wait to put through the blender.” After the violent killing, Blake dissected the animal, removed its fur and skin, and placed its body in a blender.

During the horrific video, the New Order song True Faith plays in the background, as it does in the documentary.

She told her trial that she had a fragmented personality, which included being a cat, and meowed at the jury to show how she would interact with friends.

There’s a part that is just a cat, which is strange and that seems to me what the happy part of me is. In that they come out when I am happy,” she said.

“With friends I know quite well who are aware of this part of me I meow at them in greeting. It is quite strange it is very prominent when I am expressing certain emotions.

"For example, the cat has a pretty strong association with joy, and I suppose the innate goodness. It is a kind of childhood innocence.”

Killer inspired by Don't F**k with Cats documentary faces jailed for 24 yearsScarlet Blake holding a cat head after killing it (PA)

Scarlet Blake to be sentenced today

Murderer Scarlet Blake will be sentenced today for the murder of 30-year-old Jorge Martin Carreno.

The hearing will take place Oxford Crown Court, where she was found guilty of his killing last week. She will face a mandatory life sentence an the judge will make a ruling on the minimum term she will serve behind bars, after hearing any mitigating factors.

The court may also hear victim impact statements on behalf of Mr Martin Carreno's family.

Killer inspired by Don't F**k with Cats documentary faces jailed for 24 yearsJorge Martin Carreno was killed (PA)

Kelly-Ann Mills

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