Speaker Lindsay Hoyle says sorry as more than 60 MPs demand he quits - recap

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Speaker Lindsay Hoyle says sorry as more than 60 MPs demand he quits - recap
Speaker Lindsay Hoyle says sorry as more than 60 MPs demand he quits - recap

Sir Lindsay Hoyle has insisted he had been trying to stop more MPs getting attacked as he battled to keep his job.

Conservative and SNP MPs are trying to oust the Commons Speaker after a debate on a ceasefire in Gaza descended into chaos. More than 60 have demanded that he quit after he helped Keir Starmer dodge a rebellion on the issue.

In Parliament today, Sir Lindsay apologised to MPs as he admitted he had made the “wrong decision”. But he said he had decided to break precedent by allowing a vote on Labour’s call for an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire” that must be observed by “all sides” because of fears the party’s MPs would face an angry backlash if he had not done so.

The move meant that an SNP motion on the issue was not voted on. He told MPs: “I regret it. I apologise to the SNP... I apologise, and I apologise to the House. I made a mistake. We do make mistakes. I own up to mine." He highlighted concerns over the security of MPs who have faced threats over the stance on the Middle East conflict, saying: "I have a duty of care and if my mistake is looking after members, I am guilty."

Referring to the 2021 murder of Tory MP Sir David Amess, he added: “I never ever want to go through a situation where I pick up a phone to find a friend, of whatever side, has been murdered by terrorists.”

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Keir Starmer categorically denied that he had threatened the Speaker in order to get a vote on Labour’s Gaza plan. He said he had "simply urged" him to have "the broadest possible debate" in the chamber.

Follow our liveblog for the latest after chaotic scenes in Parliament

Tory MP withdraws call for Sir Lindsay to quit

Some good news for the Speaker.

A Tory MP who signed the call for him to quit has withdrawn his signature. Philip Dunne had put his name to an early day motion of no confidence in Sir Lindsay.

But he's since had a change of heart. It means there are currently 64 names on the list.

Click here for the full list of MPs demanding Sir Lindsay steps down

Top Tory Simon Hart warned Lindsay Hoyle he would 'unleash hell' in bid to pressure Speaker

The Tory Chief Whip warned Sir Lindsay Hoyle his actions would “unleash hell” as he heaped pressure on him in the hours before a Commons showdown over Gaza.

Simon Hart attempted to stop the Speaker from allowing a vote on a Labour motion calling for an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire” that must be observed by “all sides”.

Tory MPs have lined up to accuse Keir Starmer of strong-arming Sir Lindsay Hoyle into making his decision, even though he has categorically denied this. But now it has emerged that behind the scenes Mr Hart was putting pressure on Sir Lindsay not to allow a vote. The Cabinet minister told the Commons Speaker that his actions would “unleash hell” during meetings on Wednesday morning, according to GB News.

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Rishi Sunak says ceasefire vote chaos was 'very concerning'

Rishi Sunak has criticised Sir Lindsay Hoyle's handling of the Gaza ceasefire vote, branding it "very concerning". He warned MPs should never be intimidated by "extremists".

The PM condemned the way the Commons Speaker had changed the "usual ways in which Parliament works".

But Mr Sunak acknowledged that Sir Lindsay had apologised and was "reflecting on what happened".

Speaking during a visit to North Wales, the Prime Minister said: "What happened in the House of Commons last night is very concerning. It seems that the usual processes and the way that the House of Commons works were changed. Now my understanding is that the Speaker has apologised for that and is going to reflect on what happened."

Mr Sunak continued: "But I think the important point here is that we should never let extremists intimidate us into changing the way in which Parliament works.

"Parliament is an important place for us to have these debates. And just because some people may want to stifle that with intimidation or aggressive behaviour, we should not bend to that and change how Parliament works. That's a very slippery slope."

Number of MPs demanding Sir Lindsay steps down reaches 65

The number of MPs demanding Sir Lindsay steps down has reached 65.

SNP and Tory members dominate the list. Conservative William Wragg put forward an early day motion of no confidence in the Speaker.

Click here for the full list of MPs who have signed the motion

Investigation into 'from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free' projection onto Parliament

Authorities are investigating reports that the words "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" were projected on to Parliament on Wednesday, Penny Mordaunt said.

Conservative former minister Andrew Percy told the Commons: "Last night a genocidal call for 'from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free' was projected on to this building."

The Commons Leader said: "With regard to the projections put on this building last night, that is being looked at by both the Speaker's Office, parliamentary security, the Metropolitan Police, and Westminster City Council who will be responsible for pursuing prosecutions in that case."

Elsewhere in his remarks, Mr Percy said: "If we have a re-run of the debate we had yesterday we will have exactly the same thing happen again which is that members will not vote with their heart because they are frightened and they are scared."

Ms Mordaunt said she believes all MPs have been subject to threats, "increasingly death threats", and that she has herself. She said there are measures that can be taken to better ensure security.

But she told MPs: "We have to show courage, and our constituents need us to show courage on these matters. We must vote and do what we think is right."

Another Tory MP voices support for 'good, decent and honourable' Speaker

Conservative MP Philip Davies (Shipley) offered his backing to Sir Lindsay Hoyle, telling the Commons: "The Speaker is a good, decent and honourable man and we're lucky to have him as the Speaker of the House of Commons.

"He has my absolute 100% full support and my total confidence. He made a mistake yesterday and unlike most politicians he's been big enough to come to the House to admit he made a mistake, if only other MPs would admit when they make mistakes we'd probably be seen in a better light.

"I'm pretty certain he retains the full confidence of the overwhelming majority of people on both sides of the House."

Scottish Tory leader says the Speaker has 'an awful lot of work to do' to rebuild confidence

Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross said the Speaker has "an awful lot of work to do" to rebuild the confidence of MPs.

Speaking to journalists in the Scottish Parliament, Mr Ross added: "I am going to reflect on the discussions that the Speaker has with party leaders and with chief whips.

"But I don't think anyone should understate the seriousness of the situation and the trust that has been eroded from someone who I like and respect and have worked well with, the Speaker of the House."

SNP leader and First Minister of Scotland says Speaker's position is 'untenable'

At Holyrood, First Minister of Scotland and SNP leader Humza Yousaf said the Speaker's position is "untenable" and accused him of having "bent the rules".

He told journalists: "(Sir Lindsay's) position looks to me to be untenable. What we saw was frankly disgraceful, chaotic scenes in the House of Commons.

"I think the true tragedy of that is that it takes away from what is the most important issue, and that is the fact that we have an absolute humanitarian catastrophe that has unfolded and is deepening in Gaza."

The SNP leader said his party has been consistent in its approach to the Israel-Hamas war, and he continues to have family in Gaza who he said are "suffering".

He added: "I don't think it's unreasonable for an opposition party on opposition day to want to have their motion debated, discussed and voted on. We know the Speaker looks like he has bent the rules and he has serious questions to answer."

More than 60 MPs have now signed a no confidence motion in the Speaker

More than 60 MPs have now signed a no confidence motion in the Speaker after he selected Labour's amendment in a debate on a ceasefire in Gaza.

In total, 63 Tory and SNP MPs have called for Sir Lindsay Hoyle to quit.

The Early Day Motion, which allows MPs to express a particular position on any topic, was proposed by Tory MP William Wragg . The motion reads: "That this House has no confidence in Mr Speaker."

Keir Starmer says he didn't threaten Speaker 'in any way'

Keir Starmer has said he didn't threaten the Speaker "in any way whatsoever".

Speaking at a train depot in Sussex he said: "I can categorically tell you that I did not threaten the Speaker in any way whatsoever. I simply urged to ensure that we have the broadest possible debate.

"So that actually the most important thing , which is what do we do about the situation in Gaza, could be properly discussed by MPs with a number of options in front of them."

SNP leader calls for vote of no confidence in Speaker

SNP Westminster leader Stephen Flynn has called for a vote of no confidence in Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle as a result of his handling of the Gaza vote.

He said the House had "descended into farce" and said he and his colleagues were "denied the ability to vote on a matter which is of grave concern to us".

Mr Flynn went on: "It ultimately turned into a Labour opposition day. That quite frankly is not acceptable.

"And as I have expressed to you privately prior to proceedings here today, we do not on these benches therefore believe that you can continue in your role as Speaker. We do not have confidence in your ability to do so.

"So I would therefore welcome clarity either from yourself or indeed from the Leader of the House, as to how we can best facilitate a vote in this chamber at the earliest possible occasion to that effect."

I made 'wrong decision' because I have 'duty of care' to MPs, says Speaker

Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle has said he made a "wrong decision" because of his "duty of care" to protect MPs.

He told the Commons he'd heard about the "frightening" threats members face, and referred to the murder of Tory MP Sir David Amess.

Sir Lindsay said: "I had serious meetings just today with the police on the issues of threats to politicians, threats heading to an election" Referring to the 2021 murder of Sir David, he said: ."I do not want anything like that to happen again."

He said he had apologised to the House and to the SNP, adding: "I will defend every member of this House, every member matters to me."

Sir Lindsay went on: "I never want to be in a situation where I pick up a phone to find a friend, from whatever side, has been murdered by a terrorist. I also don't want another attack on this House."

No10 says 'democracy must not and will not be silenced'

No10 has said "democracy must not and will not be silenced" after Sir Lindsay Hoyle said concerns about MPs' safety played a part in his decision to select Labour's amendments.

There have been reports of MPs in the party coming under pressure to call for a ceasefire from protestors and constituents, with some Labour MPs fearing for their security.

Asked if the PM thinks MPs’ security should overrule precedent, Rishi Sunak's official spokesman said: "I'm not going to speak to the process yesterday, you obviously received the statement from the speaker on that but in general terms, obviously the PM would have very serious concerns if there was any question around MPs coming under unacceptable pressure or suggestion of democracy being subverted.

"Obviously freedom of speech and debate in Parliament is fundamental to our democracy and the values we hold to the country and we must never allow that to be silenced."

He added: “We have been very clear that any intimidation is an attack on democracy and we won’t stand for it. Democracy must not and will not be silenced.”

Rishi Sunak refuses to say whether he has confidence in Sir Lindsay - as 59 MPs demand he quits

No10 has repeatedly refused to say whether Rishi Sunak has confidence in the Commons Speaker - as 59 MPs have not signed a no confidence motion in Sir Lindsay Hoyle.

Asked whether the Prime Minister has confidence in Sir Lindsay, Mr Sunak's official spokesman said such matters were for MPs and the House.

"The Prime Minister's focus is on addressing the situation in the Middle East. And as I say, that is what he's spending his time focused on. Matters for the House, as I say, are matters for the House," he said.

Asked if the PM regretted tabling a Government motion - which it later pulled completely - No10 said it was "entirely reasonable" for the Government's position to be set out to Parliament.

Tory praises 'decent man' Sir Lindsay and says Parliament 'lucky to have him'

A Tory MP has praised "decent man" Sir Lindsay and said the Commons is "lucky to have him".

In a heartfelt defence, Mark Francois pointed to the Speaker's response to the murder of Sir David Amess in 2021.

Mr Francois told MPs: "He showed evident contrition and I think we should respect that. If we are in this chamber, we are expected to apologise to him and we hope he will accept our apology in good faith. I think we should pay him the same courtesy."

He said the Speaker had "gone the extra mile" following Sir David's muder.

Mr Francois went on: "Mr Speaker is a decent man, as the leader said. He is not the villain here.

"We should rerun the debate and he should rightfully be in his place in that chair presiding.

"We are lucky to have him."

Penny Mordaunt attempts to turns Commons chaos into attack on Labour

Penny Mordaunt hits out at the "shameful" events in Parliament.

"It fell to the Government benches to defend the rights of a minority party in this House," she says and accuses Labour of "appalling" actions.

"I would never have done to him [Lindsay Hoyle] what the Labour Party have done to him".

Essentially Ms Mordaunt uses her address to MPs to turn the row into an attack on the Labour Party and Keir Starmer. She does mention the growing clamour from her own MPs piling pressure on Sir Lindsay to consider his position.

The Tory MP Sir Bernard Jenkin says the priority of the House should command the confidence of the public. He urges the Government to table its own debate and motion on Gaza.

"I have heard what the honourable gentlemen has said," she says.

Shadow Leader of the Commons Lucy Powell describes chaos as 'very difficult day' for Parliament

What did Commons Speaker Lindsay Hoyle do during chaos over Gaza vote - and will he survive?

Sir Lindsay Hoyle is fighting for his survival as Commons Speaker after the chamber descended into chaos last night over a Gaza ceasefire vote.

The Speaker is set to hold talks with party leaders on Thursday over the row after more than 50 MPs signed a motion declaring no confidence in his position

Read here on what the Commons Speaker did during a day of chaos in the Commons - and whether he will survive.

'King Charles should summon the Prime Minister and tell him to call a general election, now'

The Mirror's Paul Routledge gives his analysis on last night's 'melodramatic show':

In the days when we had coalminers, they would have called it “a rag-up”. Furious Tory MPs walked out of the Commons – their workplace – without a ballot or even a show of hands. Their unofficial strike handed Labour victory in the controversy over Israel’s war on Gaza.

Parliament’s official policy is now to demand an immediate ceasefire, on all sides, accompanied by release of prisoners held by Hamas and moves towards and ultimate two-state solution. That’s the outcome of a heated debate, in which MPs expressed fears for their own safety at the hands of protesters.

At one level, it doesn’t matter a tinker’s toss, because the Israel government takes no notice of the Americans, much less the House of Commons. But this melodramatic show of shopfloor militancy by Tory MPs is indicative of a deeper malaise. Conservatives had their rag up because they’d been outmanoeuvred, and feared they couldn’t muster a majority for their own policy.

That’s why Penny Mordaunt, the terrifying Leader of the House, had to withdraw the government’s mealy-mouthed proposal for a pause in the fighting. She blamed Sir Keir for causing the trouble because of his “weak” leadership. On the contrary, it was the Tories’ lack of confidence in their own troops that handed a win to Labour.

As parliamentary expert Sir Chris Bryant pointed out, by convention a government that has lost control of its foreign policy has to resign. He’s right. Rishi Sunak, battered by his Right-wing nutters who want to bring back Trussonomics, has also lost control of economic policy.

It’s the season for revisiting the rules. I have one radical suggestion for constitutional action: King Charles should summon the Prime Minister and tell him to call a general election, now.

55 MPs demand Sir Lindsay quits - list in full

So far 55 MPs have signed a motion of no confidence in Sir Lindsay demanding he quits.

Those putting their names to an early day motion declaring no confidence in Sir Lindsay include Sir Graham Brady, who chairs the influential 1922 Committee of backbench Tories.

It was put forward yesterday by Tory backbencher William Wragg.

Click here to see the list of MPs in full

Five more MPs add their name to no confidence motion

The number of SNP and Tory MPs to have signed the no confidence motion in Sir Lindsay Hoyle has now reached 55.

But Labour MPs are also defending the Speaker.

Jim McMahon posted on Twitter: "Honestly, they need to grow up. Sir Hoyle is a good Speaker, a decent man and deserves better than this. Parliament needs to reflect on the division and anger too often exploited for political gain. We should be coming together to lead the nation through these difficult issues."

Barry Sheerman added: "Lindsay Hoyle has been an exemplary Speaker the best I have known he is always fair & even-handed & has taken the most active role in the care & support of all Members he should be thanked & supported."

50 MPs sign no confidence motion in Lindsay Hoyle.

50 MPs have now signed an early day motion expressing no confidence in the Commons Speaker.

It was kicked off last night by the Tory MP William Wragg and had 33 signatures this morning.

Now 49 MPs - including the chair of the Tories' 1922 Committee of backbench MPs Sir Graham Brady - have signed the motion.

It ramps up the pressure on the Commons Speaker as he prepares to meet with party leaders later today.

Senior Labour figure backs Commons Speaker

Pat McFadden - Labour's national campaign coordinator - has said it is a "great shame" that a Government minister has said she struggles to support Sir Lindsay Hoyle because "it's not his fault".

He told Sky News: "It's not his fault that Maria (Caulfield)'s party puts forward a proposition then before the vote says, 'we're not going to vote on it, even though we're the Government, even though we've got a majority' and the Speaker is taking the rap for that. And he shouldn't have to."

Defending Labour's approach, Mr McFadden said: "There is an election coming and at that election, people have got a right to see where do you stand on these issues? And we stand on the issue was set out in a resolution last night which, at the end of all the bickering and all the shouting and all the unedifying scenes, is the only thing that was passed last night by the House of Commons."

Tory minister says she would 'struggle to support' Commons Speaker

Tory minister Maria Caulfield has warned Sir Lindsay Hoyle's position is now "difficult".

But she told Sky News she would be willing to hear how he proposes to "fix the situation" after the chaotic scenes. Ms Caulfield said she was "disappointed and surprised" by his behaviour and that she would "struggle now to support" him.

But she refused to explicitly say he should stand down as Speaker, saying: "Let's see what happens in the next 24 to 48 hours. He knows he did wrong. He's apologised, and let's see what he proposes to fix the situation."

The minister added: "But this is not a Government matter, it is what's called a House matter. It is for individual MPs as members of the House of Commons to decide. It wouldn't be an issue that a party would whip against."

Lindsay Hoyle set to meet party leaders after scenes of chaos

The Commons Speaker is set to meet party leaders at Westminster today after chaotic scenes in the Commons last night.

The Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle came close to tears as he apologised to MPs amid angry scenes after he helped the Labour leader dodge a revolt. Mr Starmer had faced the threat of frontbenchers resigning so they could back an SNP-led motion demanding an "immediate ceasefire" and highlighting the "collective punishment" of Palestinians.

But Sir Linsday broke convention to allow a Labour amendment to be voted on that called for an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire” that must be observed by “all sides”. It was ultimately passed on the nod without a vote after some SNP MPs stormed out of the chamber in extraordinary scenes and the Government announced it would boycott proceedings.

Read our full report from last night here

Ashley Cowburn

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