Laughing gas dealer jailed in UK first after landmark change in the law

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Thomas Salton (Image: Police Handout)
Thomas Salton (Image: Police Handout)

The first person in the country to be convicted for selling laughing gas has been sentenced to 35 months behind bars.

A landmark change in the law saw 30-year-old Thomas Salton arrested when he was pulled over by police in Basildon for having no car insurance. He was found with £38,000 in cash, ketamine and nitrous oxide canisters. Essex Police also carried out stings at two addresses in Brentwood and Vange and seized even more class A and B drugs.

Salton was charged with possession with intent to supply a controlled drug at Class A, B and C and possessing criminal property. He admitted possession with intent to supply controlled drugs at Class B and C at a previous hearing at Basildon Crown Court, but denied supplying class A. He also admitted possessing criminal property.

DS Stephen Robson said: “Our investigation placed Salton in the midst of large-scale supply to customers within the party scene in Essex. He was found to be holding large quantities of Class B and Class C drugs separated for supply purposes.

Laughing gas dealer jailed in UK first after landmark change in the law eiqkiqxrierinvPiles of cash was found in his car (Police Handout)

“Our later enquiries at his business lockup demonstrated the preparation behind this operation, with large quantities of illicit drugs stored for later packaging and supply in smaller quantities. This was clearly an organised operation, with Salton even going to the lengths of drafting a non-disclosure agreement for his customers to sign.

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Laughing gas dealer jailed in UK first after landmark change in the lawBoxes of canisters were found (Police Handout)

“This level of detail and organisation provided us with exactly the evidence we needed to prove his role in an illicit drug supply operation. It is perhaps easy for people to think that consuming these drugs at a party is harmless. In reality it is this market which lies behind the serious violence and exploitation of vulnerable people which goes hand-in-hand with illegal drug supply.”

In November 2023, nitrous oxide was classified as a Class C drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. Under the legislation, users could face up to two years in prison for possession, while those convicted of supply could face up to 14 years.

Laughing gas dealer jailed in UK first after landmark change in the lawHe made "party bags" with the gas in (Police Handout)

Prosecutor Alex Hinds for CPS East of England, said: “The evidence against Thomas Salton was overwhelming and this case is an example of all parts of the justice system working together to get drugs and those who sell them off the streets.

“The change in the law coupled with the actions of the police has allowed the CPS to present the strongest case in court and put Thomas Salton out of business and into prison. Nitrous oxide is a dangerous drug and hopefully this first conviction will deter those thinking of buying or selling it.”

Speaking previously on the law change, Essex Police's head of specialist operations Superintendent Philip Stinger said: “We have welcomed the introduction of this new law, as it will give us as officers more options when dealing with the anti-social behaviour so often associated with the use and supply of nitrous oxide as a recreational substance. This means a proportionate approach to tackling those found in possession of nitrous oxide cannisters, including explaining the change in law and encouraging people not to use or buy the substance.

“But where we are dealing with a larger number of cannisters, it is right we take robust and swift action and put this new legislation to use. The use of nitrous oxide in public spaces is a nuisance to communities and has been shown to pose a considerable health risk.”

Kelly-Ann Mills

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