Are you giving anything up for Lent - vote in our poll

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Around 50% will give up sugar and chocolate as part of Lent (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
Around 50% will give up sugar and chocolate as part of Lent (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Around half of Brits participating in Lent will give up chocolate and sweets, according to a poll.

The annual 40-day period is a key event in the Christian calendar and is a time of reflection ahead of the Easter celebrations. It is symbolic of the period Jesus Christ resisted temptation from the devil while crossing the desert for 40 days. From Ash Wednesday (February 14) to March 28, Christians will go without their luxuries as a sign of sacrifice and self-discipline.

Last year, a Yougov survey found that half of those marking Lent gave up chocolate and sweets, while 17 percent had a temporary break from pub-going and booze. Around one in ten stopped eating fatty foods, while eight percent abstained from eating out and takeaways.

Another eight percent gave up sex and seven percent gave up smoking. It appears people needed a break from their screen time, as four percent escaped from social media, while two percent dropped television.

Other luxuries that were set aside include meat (5%) and caffeine (2%). The market research company pointed out that just five percent of Brits participated in the ancient festival last year, including just 11 percent of British Christians.

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As people enjoy their pancakes on Shrove Tuesday ahead of the fast, we want to know if you will be taking part in Lent and what you will be giving up. Vote in our poll HERE to have your say on the topic.

The Mirror will also be discussing the topic with you in the comments section below and you can join in! All you have to do is sign up, submit your comment, register your details and then you can take part.

Freya Hodgson

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