'Rishi Sunak has to call an election in 6 weeks - he has no other choice'

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It's the country's working assumption that this man is toast

No-one likes announcing their own demise.

That's why medieval monarchs rarely named their successor. It's why the late Queen didn't let Charles sit on the throne sooner. And it's why Rishi Sunak keeps pretending he is "working on the assumption" of an autumn general election.

But the same man works on the assumption that saying Rwanda is a safe place will make it so, and that the only way to get to Blackpool is to take a private jet. Show him a chip and pin bank card, and it's 50-50 whether he'd try to scan his retina with it or eat it. The record shows all his working assumptions are non-functioning inanities.

Another 8 or 9 months of this! Of potholes, strikes, queues, phony culture wars, and people who insist Boris Johnson would definitely be helpful at this point, which is a bit like standing on the edge of a cliff, and saying "why don't we try digging?" Luckily, we won't have to wait long: Sunak's countdown starts at the end of March.

'Rishi Sunak has to call an election in 6 weeks - he has no other choice' qhiquqidzhiqdrinv"That means I get the summer in California! YAY!" (PA)

Here are some facts. There hasn't been an October election since 1974. Ten of the last 11 elections have all been held in spring or summer. There are local elections planned for May 2, and the spring budget date has been moved to a week or two earlier than expected, on March 6.

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And here's an assumption: the Conservative Party is going to be utterly decimated in the locals. Reform will make good ground among motivated anti-immigration voters, Labour will sweep the board in the north and midlands, and even Ed Davey's dire record on the Post Office scandal won't stop the Lib Dems cleaning up in the south.

The question that would furrow Sunak's brow, if he cared about any of this, is: who's going to campaign for him in October? Who's going to stuff leaflets, who's going to give old ladies a lift to the polling station, who's going to stand in rainy high streets saying "vote Tory"? Not a single Conservative councillor, who will either have lost their seats five months previous or have scraped through by pretending not to have anything to do with That Lot In Westminster.

That is perhaps why former, failed Tory advisors like Nick Timothy and Katie Lam have been parachuted into safe seats while party stalwarts, the sturdy workhorses of the backbenches, are throwing in the towel.

'Rishi Sunak has to call an election in 6 weeks - he has no other choice'"I know you're ill, but would you mind dissolving Parliament at the end of March to save my blushes?" (PA)

But wait. There are also three by-elections. One, at the end of this month in Rochdale, is likely to be one of those where the Labour Party fights itself. The other two will be held this Thursday, in the seats of Wellingborough and Kingswood.

In one, Tory MP Peter Bone was recalled by voters after being found to have bullied and exposed himself to a staffer. In the other, Tory minister Chris Skidmore resigned in protest over the PM's plans for North Sea oil and drilling. Both have large majorities, and both are so likely to lose that Tory HQ has expended barely any efforts to help the replacement candidates campaign.

Labour might yet tie itself in knots about anti-Semitism all over again. But if the Tories lose another two MPs this week, the infighting, factionalism and shadow leadership campaign will step up a gear. With Liz Truss on manoeuvres like a zombie credit card loaded with bad debts, his party's at risk of all-out war.

With small boats still arriving, children still vaping, disappearing dentists, and a next-to-nonexistent NHS, Sunak's best hope of survival is a tax cut. And despite all the noise, he's not allowed to do one.

The fiscal rules his party has vowed to obey say no tax cuts until the debt is falling. There are a variety of ways to juggle the figures, but as Treasury Secretary Laura Trott found out to her embarrassment last week the basic truth is that, as a percentage of GDP, it's growing over a five-year period, and that means they cannot cut taxes without breaking their own rules.

Who was the last person to break the fiscal rules? Step forward Kwasi Kwarteng, the man whose mathematical brilliance nearly crashed every pension fund in the City as a result. The Tories might be blind and enraged, but they're not dumb enough to do that twice.

Oh, they can twiddle with stamp duty and suggest easier mortgages, announce some money for this and support for that. But it's all so minor that you'd be lucky to notice any difference, if you can't save a deposit, can't find a dentist, and can't see the GP.

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If Sunak waits until October, there'll be 5 months for the country to cotton on. If he goes for May 2, he will have to call the election on March 26, which gives journalists less than 3 weeks to go over the sums. If a man is wearing £95 sliders, owns a house in California, and has a private jet on standby, he ain't going to delay his own flight for a greater humiliation at the ballot box.

There is, really, no choice. There'll soon be no-one left at the grassroots or central office, and Downing Street has been emptied of every egotist still prepared to pin on a blue rosette. Sunak is now that monarch who has delayed naming his heir for fear of losing his power, and is watching it leave of its own accord.

Never judge someone by what they say, but by what they do. And in the 16 months Sunak has run Britain, he's done his best to make things worse for the next Labour government. He's sold off HS2 land, he's held back compensation for victims of scandals, he's refused to end strikes. And by pretending there'd be an Autumn election, he delayed pre-election talks between Labour and the civil service, and has hamstrung the whole nation.

These planning meetings were only allowed in January, which gives the next government just four months to prepare for something the whole country has known was nailed-on for two years. There's nothing more likely to make the first 100 days a mess, and Rishi knows it - if he were a true public servant, or a genuine Conservative, he would never do something so utterly damaging to millions.

But why should he care? We're not his millions. A few more months, and we're free.

Fleet Street Fox

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