'I thought I'd fallen for a millionaire Ibiza DJ - then I got a note from jail'

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Cieran McNamara pleaded guilty to four counts of fraud by false representation (Image: Cheshire Constabulary)
Cieran McNamara pleaded guilty to four counts of fraud by false representation (Image: Cheshire Constabulary)

A single mum tricked by a serial scammer has shared how he wooed her for her cash - and even kept up his wicked con from jail after being nicked.

Cieran McNamara, 37, who uses three other names, was revealed this week as a fraudster who targeted women for their money, often trapping them online or through dating apps. He pretended to have it all, such as the looks, the clothes, his own business, and loads of charm. But it was all fake, and McNamara's nasty fantasy world fell apart after an investigation by detectives in Cheshire. He's now locked up serving a prison sentence.

He made out he was looking for love, but his real aim was to swindle women out of their money and then use their cash to attract and trap his next victim. This allowed him to enjoy a posh lifestyle, travelling around the UK first class on trains or flights, and staying in five-star hotels.

'I thought I'd fallen for a millionaire Ibiza DJ - then I got a note from jail' eiqdiqzkiddkinvThe fraudster convinced several women he was a millionaire (Cheshire Constabulary)
'I thought I'd fallen for a millionaire Ibiza DJ - then I got a note from jail'Cieran McNamara was jailed this week (Cheshire Constabulary)

Now one of his last victims has stepped forward to reveal she thought she had met a successful Ibiza DJ - the guise cruel McNamara used to draw her into his web of lies. She said he called himself DJ Sneak and took her out for fancy dinners at The Ivy. She even revealed a note he wrote from jail, saying he got nicked for 'a few outstanding bills', but still felt the same about her.

The woman told the Daily Mail: "He certainly was a charmer and knew all the right things to say. We got on really well - almost too well. He came across as the most amazing guy - I can really understand why all these women thought they had met their 'Prince Charming'."

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"For two weeks he 'wined and dined' me - brunches, champagne, everything."

She shared how he promised her a flat in Canary Wharf and bragged about owning lots of properties in London, reports the Manchester Evening News. "He kept saying that he wanted me to be financially secure," she mentioned. "At the end of the day I opened him up to my world and I really trusted him."

Then McNamara, from Coventry, went silent until she got his letter from prison. She just thought he was a busy businessman.

At Chester Crown Court, McNamara, who also goes by Cieran Griffin, Christian McNamara, and Myles McNamara, got seven years for conning four women out of over £300,000. He had admitted to four counts of fraud by false representation earlier. Cops found a stash of fancy new stuff worth about £19,500 at a storage place rented by McNamara in Kings Norton. They found a posh £1,900 coat from Burberry, a £400 scarf, fancy boots, Gucci shoes, and golf gear.

Police are still looking for more things he owns, and all the stuff they've got will be talked about in court to see if it was bought with crime money.

Police Constable Victoria Hazelwood, who was in charge of catching him, said: "McNamara is a serial fraudster, and I truly believe that he cannot tell the difference between reality and fantasy. During our investigation, we uncovered a web of lies with thousands of text messages which he sent to his victims in order to extort cash to fund his lavish lifestyle."

"He convinced his victims that he was a millionaire with properties across the country, but in reality, he was unemployed and living out of a suitcase. Thankfully, as a result of the courage and bravery of his victims, and the work of the team here in the Economic crime unit at Cheshire Police, McNamara has now admitted his guilt."

Paul Britton

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