Lesser-known sign of prostate cancer you might notice in the middle of the night

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One lesser-known symptom of prostate cancer can make itself known at night (stock photo) (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
One lesser-known symptom of prostate cancer can make itself known at night (stock photo) (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

One of your nightly habits could be a sign you have prostate cancer.

Getting diagnosed with cancer early can greatly increase your chances of making a full recovery, and depending on the type of cancer, it can be years before symptoms start to show themselves. According to the NHS, prostate cancer "usually develops slowly" and many people show "no signs" for several years - but one early sign you might notice could arise in the middle of the night.

The NHS website states that symptoms of prostate cancer usually appear after the prostate is large enough to impact the tube that carries urine from the bladder. As such, one of the common symptoms of prostate cancer is an increased need to go to the toilet - including during the night.

If you find yourself getting up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, or you're rushing to make it to the toilet on time, they could both be signs that you need to see a doctor, as you could have prostate cancer.

Other symptoms of prostate cancer include:

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  • difficulty in starting to pee (hesitancy)
  • straining or taking a long time while peeing
  • weak flow
  • feeling that your bladder has not emptied fully
  • blood in urine or blood in semen

However, the NHS states: "These symptoms do not always mean you have prostate cancer. Many men's prostates get larger as they get older because of a non-cancerous condition called benign prostate enlargement."

If you believe you have any of the symptoms of prostate cancer, you should visit a doctor to be tested for the condition. There is no one test for prostate cancer, however, several tests can be performed such as blood tests, a physical examination of the prostate, an MRI scan, or a biopsy.

If you are diagnosed with prostate cancer, you may not need treatment right away. If the cancer is at an early stage and not causing symptoms, your doctor may suggest either "watchful waiting" or "active surveillance".

The best option for your treatment will depend on your age and overall health, and some cases of prostate cancer can be cured if treated in the early stages. Treatments can include radiotherapy - either on its own or alongside hormone therapy - and surgically removing the prostate.

For more information on prostate cancer, visit the NHS website. You can also find help and assistance on living with prostate cancer if you have been diagnosed.

Zahna Eklund

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