'My neighbour tied our dogs together trying to breed them so I called police'

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The neighbour was hoping to create a designer dog (Image: Getty Images)
The neighbour was hoping to create a designer dog (Image: Getty Images)

A woman was left in complete and utter shock when she came home to find her beloved pet dog tied up to her neighbour's dog in what appeared to be an attempt to breed the two.

Sharing what happened to Reddit, a 20-year-old woman described how her dog called Luna, the "furrier sister" she never had, was left safely at home in her backyard while she went out for a few hours. When she got back at 2am in the morning, she found her beautiful golden retriever in the garden with the neighbour's "doodle."

The poster asked, "am I the a**hole?", as she described the events led to a confrontation with her neighbour and eventually resulted in the police being called. The post said: "Last night, I went out with friends and left Luna in the backyard with a fresh bowl of water and a full toy box. When I stumbled back in around 2 am, I nearly tripped over a furry tangle in the middle of the lawn."

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'My neighbour tied our dogs together trying to breed them so I called police' qhiqquiqxriqzzinvThe two dogs were tied together in the hope they would breed (Getty Images)

The post continued: "It was Luna, tied to our grumpy neighbor's poodle, Mr. Snuggles. Now, Mr. Snuggles is... special. He's one of those designer doodle hybrids, and my neighbor, Susan (50s), is obsessed with ethical breeding. We've had plenty of "heated discussions" about her stance on backyard breeders and designer dogs, mostly fueled by me ranting about how ethically wrong doodles are."

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The poster went on to describe how her neighbour decided to play "match maker". She said: "She admitted to letting Mr. Snuggles out while she was "napping" (wink wink nudge nudge) and hoping Luna would "take care of things." Apparently, Susan wants designer "golden doodles" and thinks it's perfectly okay to use my dog as her personal breeding machine."

Luna's owner told how she was "livid" about the situation. She marched over to her neighbour's house to tell her she had "no right" to take advantage of her dog this way.

She was left completely shocked by what her neighbour, Susan, then revealed. "Susan then dropped the real bombshell: she already lined up buyers for the non-existent puppies and expected me to be on board with sharing the profits. Like, I should be thrilled my poor Luna was used against her will and I get a cut as some sort of consolation prize?"

'My neighbour tied our dogs together trying to breed them so I called police'Luna's owner called the police (Getty Images)

The poster ended up calling the police on her neighbour, who then accused her of "ruining her business venture". Meanwhile, "Luna is cowering behind my legs, probably traumatized by the whole ordeal." She asked social media users on Reddit if she had overreacted, but the majority of comments agreed with the original poster.

@JanetinSpain said: "NTA for calling the cops. Get Luna to a vet NOW and get her spayed. If she is already pregnant they will perform the animal equivalent of an abortion. Do not let her get stuck involved in this disgusting breeder scheme."

@UnfortunateDaring pointed out that the neighbour's plans for profiting off the dogs were completely flawed. They said: "Technically since she owns the female, any puppies are hers, not her insane neighbors. So she could have the puppies and do what she wants with them and tell the neighbor to kick rocks if she wants any profits."

Many users on Reddit pointed out that if Luna's owner doesn't want her to have puppies, then she should be neutered, and should not be left outside alone. @mosinderella said: "ESH: your neighbor was WAY out of line. But if you don’t want any puppies your dog should be spayed. Be a responsible pet owner!"

'My neighbour tied our dogs together trying to breed them so I called police'Some Reddit users said the dog shouldn't be left out alone (Getty Images)

@flowerpoweredfox said: "NTA for calling the cops. What that woman did was unhinged. Absolutely the AH for leaving your dog outside unattended. That's wild. Please stop doing that. You never know what could happen. Especially in what sounds like an unsecured space being the crazy lady was able to access her. Your dog could easily be stolen or worse.

"Seems like most of the commenters don't understand how dog breeding works but it is not possible for your dog to be pregnant unless she was in heat. Which happens twice a year ish. That's something you would (hopefully) be aware of as she would be bleeding from her vulva. If she was in heat and you left her unattended outside then you're a 100x AH and you deserve an unplanned litter of mutts. Spay your dog immediately and stop leaving her outside."

Lydia Stephens

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