'I'm returning my daughter's £128 Christmas present - she's an ungrateful brat'

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She returned her daughter
She returned her daughter's presents on Boxing Day (Stock Photo) (Image: Getty Images)

Buying that special someone a festive gift can be difficult as there are a lot of factors to consider; what do they like, what is the budget, do they have this already? For one single mum Christmas had the added pressure of buying for three children who had expensive presents on their wishlist on her own, and without the financial support of her ex, which she used to rely on.

In a bid to treat her children, the mum-of-three had an honest conversation with her kids about the budget she had to buy their gifts, but this did not go down well with one. Taking to Reddit one parent, known as Affectionate_Tea1801 on the site, wrote: “I have three daughters ages 11( twins), and 16.

“My ex-husband is no longer around to spoil them like he usually does. The divorce was finalised exactly one year ago, since then he changed his number and has not even bothered to call our daughters. I work as a nurse working long hours and am doing my best to provide for three girls. I'm still doing everything I can to find him because he hasn't been paying lately and I've been very busy anyway.

“I asked the girls asked what they wanted for Christmas. My 11-year-old wanted a Nintendo Switch with the latest Pokemon game, and my 16-year-old wants the iPad Pro with the pencil. I do the best I can for my daughters but unfortunately, I have a limited budget and I told them this. I told my daughter that it would be extremely difficult to get an iPad Pro but I will do the best I can. At that point it seemed like we came to an understanding.

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“My intended budget for Christmas shopping was $500 (£400), and since I could not afford the iPad she wanted, I got her a Samsung tablet for $160 (£128) so I had to stretch it thin to make sure everyone gets presents. Fast forward to Christmas day and when the girls opened their gifts, the twins were happy to get their switch and two Pokemon games. My oldest 16 threw a fit that it was not the iPad Pro that she wanted. I told her that I could not afford a $800 (£640) tablet so I got her a very good brand tablet instead.”

Disappointed with the gift, the oldest daughter aired her frustration, which triggered a full-blown argument with her parent. The post continued: “She started yelling at me and calling me the worst mum ever and how she misses dad. I told her that if she misses her father so much, call him, knowing that at this point that phone number is disconnected. I told her that she needs to understand that her father is not around anymore, and I have to take care of her and her sisters on my own and money is very scarce. I can only do so much.

"If this is the attitude I get for making sure she get something for Christmas, I'll return the tablet. She's old enough to get a job anyway. My daughter burst into tears and ran to her room. We have not spokme much since the incident.” True to her word the mum returned the gift for her daughter. “The next day I returned the tablet to the store and that was the end of it. Despite my oldest acting like a complete spoiled brat on Christmas, I felt like I should have been more understanding of her situation as her father and I recently divorced and it must have been harder for her and her sisters, especially since dad disappeared", she wrote.

The post divided opinion among fellow Reddit users. One Redditer defended the mother and believed the daughter “deserved the lesson”. They shared: “She didn't need to be at rude to her mother when she can see her mother is clearly in a hard time too. Daughter was pretty cr*ppy to throw those words out and deserved the lesson.” While another added: “Don't fall for that bait. She's p****d because she didn't get an iPad Pro, period. If she had gotten it, dad's name would have never come up. She's being spoiled and tried to use her father as a weapon.”

Another weighed in: “You know what? The kid is 16 not 6. She's more than old enough to realise that her mother is ‘going through some s**t’ too. She's old enough to understand basic economics and math. If it's that important to her, she can get a job and buy her own luxury electronics..” While, others did not approve of the mum’s actions.

One fumed: “‘I told her that if she misses her father so much, call him, knowing the number is disconnected’ the f*** is that? Your daughter is going thru some shit right now and your response is to antagonize her. That’s just cold.” A separate Reddit user wrote: “Spoiled? Nah. She’s grieving, and was just abandoned by her father. She needs compassion and understanding. Teenagers have outbursts. It’s what they do. They’re having hormone fluctuations and are still learning effective ways to cope. This particular teenager also has extra going on. This was just cruel.”

While another weighed in: “She had a bratty moment when she's disappointed. You got her sisters exactly what they wanted. Didn't get her want she asked for. Yall didn't have an understanding at all. She's lost her dad and you mock her with it? You're not sounding so grown up yourself.”

Maisie Bovingdon

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