'Rishi Sunak is no longer even pretending to govern in interests of the country'

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'Rishi Sunak is no longer even pretending to govern in interests of the country'

Rishi Sunak is no longer even pretending he is governing in the interests of the country.

The Prime Minister’s every action is now dictated by his desperate attempt to shore up his floundering premiership. Yet again we have the sorry spectacle of a Tory leader being pushed around by the right of his rag-bag of a party. Mr Sunak is gambling his future on a rejigged Rwanda scheme that is probably unworkable and almost certainly ineffective. He appears to have forgotten the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. The Tory hardliners will not be appeased by what the Prime Minister is proposing, while the few remaining moderates in the party will oppose any measure that breaks international law. Mr Sunak mistakenly believes that getting the flights off the ground will suddenly transform his fortunes.

The reality is that voters are far more concerned about the cost of living and the dire state of our public services than the success or not of a costly and inhumane scheme. Nor are they going to support a feuding party run by a weak leader which continues to put its own interests ahead of the nation’s.

Lesson to learn

'Rishi Sunak is no longer even pretending to govern in interests of the country' qhiddxiqhzihqinvHeadteacher Ruth Perry (PA)

Parents have a right to know whether their children’s school is performing well. But it is clear the current inspection system is not fit for the purpose. Yesterday a coroner’s court ruled that an Ofsted inspection contributed to the death of Ruth Perry, the headteacher who took her own life after her school was downgraded to inadequate. Teachers are under enough pressure as it is without having to deal with an overbearing and sometimes impersonal inspection regime. Ofsted urgently needs to review its practices so that the well-being of teachers is taken into account. If it fails to reform it will drive dedicated teachers from the profession to the detriment of pupils and colleagues.

Marathon man

Rugby league legend Kevin Sinfield has completed another amazing fund-raising effort for his friend Rob Burrow’s motor-neurone disease foundation. After running seven ultra-marathons in seven days he really did go the extra mile.

Teachers, civil servants and train drivers walk out in biggest strike in decadeTeachers, civil servants and train drivers walk out in biggest strike in decade

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