Kitchen and lounge named as least energy-efficient rooms, Brits say

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Kitchen and lounge named as least energy-efficient rooms, Brits say
Kitchen and lounge named as least energy-efficient rooms, Brits say

Brits say that their kitchens and their living rooms are the least energy-efficient rooms in their homes – with three in 10 (31%) saying heat escapes most through the roof and around door frames, a study has found.

Another common culprit for household heat being lost is the vent in the bathroom, according to 17% – while hallways are also among the spaces with poor energy efficiency.

And a poll of 2,000 adults found that three-quarters (74%) admit it is hard to tell just how much energy is being wasted in their homes. But many are not optimistic – as just four in 10 (42%) believe their home is energy efficient.

However, the research, from British Gas, also found that steps are being taken to improve this – as the typical Brit has spent almost £3,000, to date, on trying to boost the energy efficiency of their property.

Some of the top ways of doing so include replacing windows and doors, insulating the walls and the floor, and buying thicker curtains.

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Meanwhile, others have taken smaller steps to make their home more sustainable, more cheaply – such as bleeding radiators, and sealing gaps around doorframes and windows.

Kitchen and lounge named as least energy-efficient rooms, Brits sayInsulating the walls, the floor, and the roof, are among the most popular ways of trying to reduce energy bills (Getty Images)

Phil Clamp, from Greenwich, said: “We’ve recently moved from a flat to a three-bed terraced house, which seems to lose heat really quickly.

“With a young child, we’re more conscious than ever to ensure the house remains warm – but it can be hard to understand if we’re heating our home as effectively as we should be, and we don’t really know where we can turn to for advice.”

It also emerged that new builds – between zero and five years old – were considered the most efficient homes. And more than half (51%) of those who live in detached houses think their home are the most energy-efficient, despite ONS data showing that they are, in fact, among the least efficient in the UK.

Gail Parker, Low Carbon Homes Director at British Gas, which offers the Home Health Check, said: “Our homes are as unique as the people that live in them, which is why it’s important to receive personalised advice that will make a worthwhile difference.

“Energy efficient home improvements come in a whole range of sizes – from things like insulation, heat pumps, and solar panels, to ensuring radiators aren’t covered and are bled, and gaps are sealed around doorframes and windows.”

Some of the top reasons for wanting to make sure home are energy efficient include saving money on heating (76%), keeping the home warm in the winter months (66%), and being comfortable in their property (56%).

And with the UK having one of the oldest housing stocks in Europe, it’s fitting that homeowners are looking for ways to improve their energy efficiency, while saving money and reducing their bills.

The survey, carried out by OnePoll, also revealed that 65% would find it useful to have a professional take a look around, to tell them how to improve their home's efficiency.

Gail Parker, for British Gas, added: “It’s understandable, now winter is here, that people want to take steps to conserve heat in their home – no matter the age of the house or flat.

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“However, it can be hard to tell the efficiency of your home and it’s heating system without professional advice. With our Home Health Check, surveyors will give you a personalised plan on how to make it more efficient, to help you save money on your winter energy bills.”


  1. Replacing windows
  2. Buying thicker curtains
  3. Insulating the walls
  4. Replacing the insulation in the roof
  5. Bleeding the radiators
  6. Sealing gaps around doorframes and windows
  7. Purchasing draught excluders
  8. Replacing doors
  9. Making sure the floor is insulated
  10. Filling in holes in the walls where heat can escape from

Sarah Lumley

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