Fisherman who dumped bucket of worms over girlfriend's head must pay her £500

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Marcus Rees and Hannah Bent in happier times (Image: Marcus Rees/ Cavendish Press (Manchester) Ltd)
Marcus Rees and Hannah Bent in happier times (Image: Marcus Rees/ Cavendish Press (Manchester) Ltd)

A jealous fisherman who dumped a bucket of live worms over his girlfriend was told he must pay her £500.

Airport worker Marcus Rees was accused of assaulting Hannah Bent after carrying out the senseless attack after he emptied a bucket of live worms over her head. The 34-year-old flew into a jealous rage after he spotted a n online message from another man to Hannah Bent. The worms went all over Miss Bent's hair and clothes and she immediately locked Rees out of their home.

But he loitered in the garden for 30 minutes before hurling bricks through two windows at the property - narrowly missing her six-year-old son who was sitting on a sofa. In a statement, the 34-year-old mother of two told police: ''My boy could have been seriously harmed and I am now petrified to live in my own house.

Fisherman who dumped bucket of worms over girlfriend's head must pay her £500 eiqeuikziqzxinvHannah Bent said she was left scared of living in her own home (Marcus Rees/ Cavendish Press (Manchester) Ltd)

"What kind of man makes a woman scared to live in her own home? I am trying my best for my children, but until Marcus is gone, I cannot continue with my life. I am scared in my own home.” She has since retracted the statement saying she still loves Rees and wants him to get help for his explosive rages.

At Manchester Crown Court, Rees, of Wythenshawe, Greater Manchester, admitted assault and criminal damage and was also sentenced to three months jail suspended for two years, with requirements he carry out 150 hours of unpaid work. He must further complete the ''Building Better Relationships'' rehabilitation programme.

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The court had begun dating in 2022 and Rees moved into Miss Bent's home in May of that year. Prosecutor Miss Sara Haque said: ''Miss Bent said the relationship started brilliantly. They were going out together and the defendant was interacting very well with her six-year-old son. But it started going wrong around July 2022, initially prompted by her ex-partner contacting her.

"The victim says that it was after this that he began to show his demeanour of being instantly jealous, making threats towards her and degrading her. He told her she should get back with her crackhead ex and threatened to smash up her house. That September Hannah Bent was inside her bedroom when an argument occurred over a towel.

"The defendant smashed up the bedroom damaging the mirror, as well as causing a crack in the cupboard and kitchen door. He made threats that he would burn the sofa with cooking oil, and only stopped when Miss Bent physically begged him to.

Fisherman who dumped bucket of worms over girlfriend's head must pay her £500Rees has been ordered to pay the woman £500 in damages (Marcus Rees/ Cavendish Press (Manchester) Ltd)

‌"She ran to her neighbour's house but says she did not call the police on this occasion as the defendant promised never to behave in that way again and apologised. However the following month Miss Bent was sitting outside in the back garden when the defendant began shouting about his broken fishing box.

‌"He then physically assaulted her by kicking the fishing box onto her calf causing bruising and swelling. The incident took place in the presence of the victim’s six-year-old son who told the defendant 'Leave my mum alone', to which the defendant said to him, 'Shut up you little c***.’

"On November 13 there was an argument about an iPhone that the defendant had bought for Miss Bent. He was accusing her of a lack of gratitude and also that she was using her phone too much. Whilst she was holding the phone he forcibly tried to remove it from her hand, causing a mark and reddening to the skin. He took the phone and put it in the kitchen and made her beg for it back.

‌"Miss Bent described it was some kind of power trip for him. The next incident began when she received a message from another male asking her to ask the defendant to contact him. She went downstairs and told the defendant that the male had messaged her but he became instantly aggressive and angry. He started shouting, calling Miss Bent a slag and demanding she block him and delete his number.

‌"She tried to explain she was not even friends with the male and was simply passing on a message but the defendant would not calm down and eventually, Miss Bent went upstairs to avoid any further conflict. The following morning, the defendant tried to apologise but Miss Bent told him he’d been out of order and she went outside into the back garden.

''He followed and lost his temper, again calling her a rat. She told him to leave but he picked up a bucket containing fishing bait, and threw the entire contents of the bucket onto her, covering her hair and clothes. She then returned inside the kitchen and locked the door. The defendant remained outside for around 30 minutes before the victim closed the blinds.

"She messaged him telling him to leave, telling him to go to his mum's but she heard the smashing sound and then the defendant threatening to smash her windows. He attempted to smash the back window to the dining room. She rang 999, she was in such fear and then heard a thud at the door and on looking saw the defendant had thrown a brick through her front window.

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''Her son was sitting on the sofa directly under the window and was lucky not to be injured by the glass. He jumped up and she told him to run upstairs. Police arrived but the defendant had by this time, left the scene.''

Fisherman who dumped bucket of worms over girlfriend's head must pay her £500Rees tipped an entire bucket of fishing bait over the woman's head during an argument (Marcus Rees/ Cavendish Press (Manchester) Ltd)

Rees later presented himself at Wythenshawe police station and when cautioned replied: ''All I did was throw a brick through the window. I also threw the fishing bait at her.'' He had no previous convictions but two cautions, one of which was for assault in 2003.

In mitigation defence counsel Hugh Barton said Rees works at Manchester Airport but the conviction means he may lose his security pass and when it is due for renewal next year. "He thinks there is a high possibility he will lose his job because of the high level of security," Mr Barton said.

Sentencing Judge John Potter told Rees: ''You embarked on a course of behaviour that was abusive towards Miss Bent. It was designed by you to control her. You tried to control her by use of violence on more than one occasion and or by damaging her property.

"Some of the behaviour was witnessed by her children. It seems to have been inspired by your feelings of jealousy and clearly made worse by your willingness at the time to drink alcohol to excess and indulge in drug use.

"Following one argument which you instigated, you were abusive to her. After finding her outside where she was seeking to avoid you in the back garden you called her a rat and she having had enough of you, told you to leave. But you responded by picking up a bucket of fish bait and throwing it over her - an act designed by you to humiliate and degrade her. She was covered in fishing bait.

''It is quite clear from her retraction statement that your victim does not want you to go to custody. She wants you to return to your job. She said other things, saying that you need help and I take that into account.

''Gut you did no doubt cause physical and psychological harm to your victim and some level of harm to her young children. You know that this was disgraceful and abusive behaviour of which you should be thoroughly ashamed.''

Kenny Parker

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