Thousands of women have no access to ladies' toilets at work, survey reveals

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The Unite union called the lack of loos
The Unite union called the lack of loos 'shameful' (Image: Getty Images)

Thousands of women have no toilets at work, shocking stats reveal.

A survey by union Unite found nearly half of female bus drivers only sometimes have use of the ladies. Some 27% working in civil air transport face the same problem. And 9% are forced to hold on for at least 12 hours a day.

Employers are legally obliged to provide clean, accessible facilities with sanitary bins. One female worker said: “I have ongoing toilet issues due to cancer and my office with a toilet was taken away, so I now have nowhere to go.”

Unite’s Sharon Graham tonight branded the situation “shameful.” She added: “It is a disgrace that so many female workers still do not have toilet dignity within the workplace. This is an industrial issue and Unite will use its full power to tackle any employer that is failing in its duty to provide adequate toilet facilities for workers.”

Saskia Rowlands

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