King's Speech in full - how 20 laws affect you from vaping rules to Netflix

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King's Speech in full - how 20 laws affect you from vaping rules to Netflix

Rishi Sunak's desperate attempt to stay in power has been set out by King Charles in Parliament today.

His flagship pledge to outlaw cigarette sales was among the measures read out in the King's Speech, as well as new sentencing rules and protections for renters (with a big catch, as outlined below). There were 21 bills put forward at the State Opening of Parliament, with the Government also laying out plans for self-driving vehicles, clamping down on pedicabs and policing Netflix.

Here we look at some of the key bits of legislation ministers hope to get through before the General Election, which is expected to happen at some point next year.

Banning cigarette sales and vaping crackdown

This is the flagship Rishi Sunak hopes to be remembered for - the "first smokefree generation". Under the Tobacco and Vapes Bill, those born on or after January 1 2009 will never be able to legally buy cigarettes. The Government is also planning measures to target vaping, particularly sales to children.

These include limiting flavours and descriptions and the type of packaging. Rogue retailers will face stronger enforcement. Age verification will be strengthened, the Government says.

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King's Speech in full - how 20 laws affect you from vaping rules to NetflixThe Government's plans have been outlined in the King's Speech

New protections for renters - eventually

The long-awaited Renters (Reform) Bill, which ministers say will help 11 million private landlords, will finally see an end to "no-fault" evictions. But there's a catch, as the documents circulated today confirm that this won't happen until "stronger possession grounds and a new court process" is in place. You'll remember this caused a massive spat a few weeks ago.

There's good news for landlords, with new powers to evict anti-social tenants. And a blanket ban on pets will also be scrapped, with tenants given the right to request a pet - which landlords can't "reasonably" refuse.

Leasehold rules shake-up

The Government's long-awaited move to help homeowners struggling with the monster costs of extending their lease is finally seeing the light of day. The Leasehold and Freehold Reform Bill will make it "cheaper and easier" for those in houses and flats to extend their lease or buy the freehold. The standard lease extension will go up from 90 years to 990 years.

There will also be a ban on creating new leasehold houses - but not flats. The Government says it will consult on capping existing ground rents, although there is no solid commitment to do so.

New rules around self-driving vehicles

It's been a bit of a grey area where legal responsibility lies for cars that drive themselves. Now the Automated Vehicles Bill will ensure it's companies who carry the can if things go wrong.

It will give people immunity from prosecution when a vehicle is driving itself, as the Government says it "doesn't make sense" to hold the person at the wheel responsible. It says: "While the vehicle is driving itself, a company rather than an individual will be responsible for the way it drives."

This means companies that fail to meet safety requirements face signs and sanctions, with prosecutions in serious cases.

Stricter regulation for football clubs

The Government says it plans to bring in a new independent regulator for English football clubs to prevent another club collapsing like Bury FC. It claims that this new body will have teeth - requiring teams in the top five divisions to get a license.

Directors will have stricter tests, while there will be more requirement to engage with fans - with owners no longer to change badges, names or shirt colours without their backing. The Football Governance Bill will also prevent breakaway leagues and ensure TV money is shared more fairly.

King's Speech in full - how 20 laws affect you from vaping rules to NetflixKing Charles has read out Government plans for the next Parliament (Getty Images)

Tackling rip-off subscriptions and shady online firms

According to the Government, a new Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill will make it harder to trap you in subscription services you no longer want. It will also include measures to deal with fake reviews and drip pricing - where only part of a product's price is advertised upfront.

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Although light on detail at this stage, ministers say there will be "stronger powers" to deal with anti-competitive practices. The bill will also ramp up the powers of the Competition and Markets Authority.

Policing Netflix and the BBC

There's a lot going on in the Government's proposed Media Bill - including new responsibilities for streaming services such as Netflix. A new video-on-demand code will "ensure standards are upheld", with Ofcom given powers to enforce it.

The Bill so includes a requirement to modernise the "mission statement" for public service TV such as the BBC, ITV, STV, Channel 4 and Channel 5. This will encourage them to "focus on what makes them distinctive", but documents circulated ahead of the King's Speech don't elaborate.

It will also require better access to subtitles, audio description and signed interpretation, and give Welsh-language broadcaster S4C more leeway to broaden its audience.

Rail shake-up

The Draft Rail Reform Bill sets out numerous ways of trying to improve Britain's broken rail system, such as a shake-up of ticketing. Under the plans fares will be simplified, and single leg pricing will ensure one-way tickets don't end up costing almost as much as returns.

It will also ensure the Transport Secretary won't be able to make decisions about franchises, instead setting up a new body called Great British Railways to do so. It will also include a requirement for accessibility to be improved, particularly for disabled passengers.

Forcing criminals to attend their sentencing hearings

This is a massive victory for campaigners, and something The Mirror has long been calling for. Under the Criminal Justice Bll defendants will be "compelled" to appear in court as they're sentenced, following a string of high-profile cases where they've hid in their cells.

There will also be a new "aggravating factor" in sentencing for those involved in grooming gangs A similar measure will be brought in for those who murder their partner when their relationship ends. Sharing intimate images will be criminalised, as will encouraging self harm.

People who work will children will be required by law to support any concerns about sex abuse under the Bill. Meanwhile probation services will be given more powers to use polygraph tests on terrorists or sex offenders and drug testing on arrest will be expanded.

There will be measures to tackle "organised begging" and an increase in the penalty for selling blades to under 18s.

Harsher - but also lighter - sentences

Under the Government's Sentencing Bill, courts will be required to impose Whole Life Orders for cases where this is the current legal starting point - such as murder with sexual or sadistic conduct. However it does say there could be "exceptional circumstances" which mean this doesn't happen.

Rapists and serious sex offenders will have to serve every day of their sentences. But on the flip-side, the well document prison places shortage means there will be a "presumption" of a suspended sentence in cases where prison sentences would normally be less than a year.

People in this situation will serve their sentence "in the community on requirements imposed by the court".

New terrorism laws for large events

Organisers of events that attract more than 800 people - such as concerts and sport fixtures - will be legally required to take steps to prevent terror attacks. This follows the sickening attack on the Manchester Arena in 2017.

Those that fail to comply could face fines of more than £18million, the documents say. The Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill follows campaigning by the family of Manchester victim Martyn Hett.

Rules on releasing dangerous prisoners and Jade's Law

The Government's Victims and Prisoners Bill is set to give ministers "greater oversight" on the release of dangerous prisoners such as murderers, rapists and terrorists. It will create a new 'top-tier' of convicts who will be subject to a "second check".

The Bill will see parents convicted of killing the other person they have a child with from having parental responsibility. Known as Jade's Law, this is a response to the murder of Jade Ward by her former partner in 2021.

Other measures in the Bill include a ban of serious offenders marrying partners in prison and creating a new Independent Public Advocate (IPA) to work alongside victims of major incidents such as Hillsborough, the Manchester Arena attack and Grenfell Tower.

Continuing to drill for oil in the North Sea

Under the Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill , a North Sea oil and gas licensing round will be held every year. The Government has claimed this is necessary to enhance the UK’s energy security and will help to protect more than 200,000 jobs in the industry, although it will not help lower bills for consumers.

It looks like it is being done for political reasons after Labour said it will stop handing out new exploration licences. It will require the North Sea Transition Authority to run an annual process inviting companies to apply for licenses.

Loosening rules on protecting your data

The Government says it plans to remove "unnecessary paperwork" and cut red tape in the way businesses protect personal data. It claims that by allowing businesses to take a more "proportionate and practical" approach it will save the economy £4.7billion over 10 years.

The proposed Data Protection and Digital Information Bill will also establish a "framework" for digital verification and bolster the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), documents state.

Clamping down on rip-off rickshaws in London

People who commute or visit central London will be well aware of the growing number of pedicabs. A new licensing regime will be brought in, and fare controls will be introduced.

It follows complaints of drivers charging a fortune for short journeys in tourist hotspots in the capital. The Bill would be in force in England and Wales, but will only apply in Greater London.

New Holocaust Memorial to finally be built

The Tories have previously promised that a Holocaust Memorial and Learning Centre will be built close to Parliament. Now the Holocaust Memorial Bill will ensure it gets the go-ahead in VIctoria Tower Gardens.

Documents say the new centre will "serve as a powerful reminder to the whole nation of the Holocaust and its victims".

Ban on live animal exports for slaughter

Under the Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Bill, the live export of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and horses will be banned. It will ensure animals are slaughtered in the UK in "high welfare UK slaughterhouses".

However there will be exceptions for breeding and competitions.

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Dave Burke

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