'Covid brought out best in so many - even Piers Morgan – but the worst in Boris'

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Boris Johnson must never be allowed to get his blood-stained hands near the levers of power ever again (Image: POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
Boris Johnson must never be allowed to get his blood-stained hands near the levers of power ever again (Image: POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

Most people – the lucky ones, whose lives weren’t irrevocably destroyed – have tried to put Covid behind them.

There seems to be a collective denial, an unspoken nationwide agreement that even though our children will tell their grandchildren about it, we’ll just move forward, without ever glancing back. Maybe it’s too soon. Maybe it’s too painful. Maybe both. Now, thanks to the Covid Inquiry, a bitter reminder that while that “unprecedented time” brought out the best in some people (NHS staff, key workers, Piers Morgan) it brought out the absolute worst in others (Boris Johnson).

During the bleakest parts of the pandemic, one of the most frightening elements was that something incredibly serious was happening and there were no grown ups in charge. That the situation was out of control. I raged and despaired at the government’s shambolic incompetence and maddeningly contradictory, inconsistent strategies with the best of them. But now I realise that even while doing so, I never really believed that it was as chaotic, clueless and half arsed inside No 10 as it seemed from the outside. It simply couldn’t be.

This wasn’t some hastily cobbled together team of unqualified volunteers, it was the government of a country – made up of people equipped with the best educations money can buy – in a critically serious global emergency. The Covid Inquiry has so far shown that I was right – it wasn’t as bad as it seemed from the outside. It was worse. Much, much, much worse.

Never mind beyond pastiche, it was beyond belief. They were, as Dominic Cummings put it, “Terrifyingly sh**”, or in Civil Service Chief Simon Case’s opinion, “ a terrible tragic joke ”. They dithered, delayed, doubted. Cared more about their own egos than the hundreds of thousands who suffered, who died. Fiddled while Rome burned. Wrote a book about Shakespeare instead of attending COBRA meetings.

Teachers, civil servants and train drivers walk out in biggest strike in decade qhiqquiqquiqtzinvTeachers, civil servants and train drivers walk out in biggest strike in decade

To lockdown or not to lockdown, that is the question… A cure, a cure, my kingdom for a cure… Once more unto the briefing, dear friends, once more. And the bodies piled high. Then they constructed a narrative that they “got all the big calls right” even while police fines for partying and breaking the law made a complete mockery of it.

And at the heart of everything, leading the response, like the driver of a clown car, was Johnson. Boris, not Carrie, despite rumours. Evidence from the inquiry shows that the staff around him were every bit as unconfident about his abilities and the disastrous way he was handling everything as the general public were.

It was blatantly obvious to absolutely everyone that Johnson was way out of his depth, and yet because he was the Big Dog, he was allowed to do what he wanted to enable Covid to let rip. Or, more accurately, let R.I.P. The understatement of the whole inquiry – so far, anyway, – is former Downing Street Director of Communications Lee Cain’s admission Covid was “the wrong crisis for this Prime Minister’s skill set”.

Hard to imagine one that would have been right. Anyway, what rotten luck for us, eh? So far, more than 231,332 people have died of Covid in this country, and counting. Meanwhile, Boris Johnson not only faces zero consequences, but is ABSOLUTELY UNBELIEVABLY still taken seriously by many in his party. This man must never be allowed to get his hands, forever stained with the blood of the nation, anywhere near power again.

Polly Hudson

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