'The Tories fatally let down Britain during Covid - voters should remember that'

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'Tories let us down during Covid pandemic' (Image: Mirrorpix)

Each day the Covid inquiry exposes this Government’s callousness, cruelty and incompetence. Many who voted Tory last election will be bitterly regretting it now.

Families mourning lost elderly relatives will be outraged that then Prime Minister Boris Johnson saw the virus as “nature’s way of dealing with old people”. And, shockingly, Chancellor, now PM, Rishi Sunak, blocked financial support so infected low-paid staff could isolate at home instead of going to work and spreading the disease.

Then there is the foul, misogynistic language of Johnson’s top aide, Covid rule-breaking Dominic Cummings. For Johnson’s communications chief Lee Cain to call Covid “the wrong crisis for this Prime Minister’s skill set” was like rail firms saying the wrong type of snow halted trains. The more we learn, the worse it is. The Tories fatally let down Britain. Voters should remember that at the next election.

Just the ticket

Derailing the mass closure of station ticket offices is a magnificent victory. Not just for the Daily Mirror’s campaign, which helped mobilise opposition to the destruction of a valuable public service. But also for elderly, vulnerable and disabled passengers, who would have been hit hardest; the 2,000 workers whose jobs were on the line; and the unions protecting station staff.

This was about keeping a service for those unable to buy tickets at machines or online and who appreciate the expert staff’s ability to find the cheapest and fastest way to travel. We thank our readers who forced Tory Transport Secretary Mark Harper and the privatised train firms to halt the vandalism.

Teachers, civil servants and train drivers walk out in biggest strike in decade eiqeeiqrqiqutinvTeachers, civil servants and train drivers walk out in biggest strike in decade

Beating Bully

The ban on breeding, selling and gifting ferocious American XL Bully dogs, which are involved in fatal attacks, is another win for a sustained Daily Mirror campaign. They will have to be muzzled in public, after yapping Tory ministers were brought to heel.

Voice of the Mirror

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