'We should unite in grief for the lost lives but not allow it to sow division'

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Injured girl is carried away after airstrike on Gaza Strip (Image: AFP via Getty Images)
Injured girl is carried away after airstrike on Gaza Strip (Image: AFP via Getty Images)

The truth is always important but it is even more so in times of conflict.

It is still unclear who was responsible for the deadly blast at the Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza. The Palestinians accuse Israel of carrying out the attack only for this to be strongly denied by Israel’s defence chiefs. Israel’s military blame a stray rocket fired by militants — an account endorsed by Joe Biden on his visit to the country.

The facts have yet to be established but this has not stopped both sides engaging in claims and counter claims. When so many have died it is no surprise passions are running high. But spreading unsubstantiated accusations will only feed the hatreds this conflict has unleashed and destroy attempts to restore some kind of peace. We should be united in grief for those who lost their lives in Al-Ahli but not allow their deaths to sow further division.

Just a first step

Shopkeepers have been crying out for action to stop the epidemic in shoplifting. So it is welcome news that the police are now working with major retailers to catch the worst offenders by using facial recognition. But this is the least that should be happening to restore order on our high streets.

If the Government cares about shoplifting it would reverse its decision to downgrade the offence. There is also no point in the police taking action if serial offenders dodge jail. It is not a surprise shoplifting has increased when the Conservatives have overseen a collapse in living standards and the collapse of the criminal justice system.

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Unsung heroes

The Windrush generation helped rebuild Britain after the Second World War and in the process enriched our society. Their remarkable contribution is celebrated in a Pride of Britain special on ITV1 tonight. It is a story of hope over adversity and a story of how they changed our country for the better.

Voice of the Mirror

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