Cleaning your toilet can feel like an arduous task, but thanks to a "hidden" button, making the loo sparkle just got a whole lot easier.
Sophie Hinchliffe, better known as Mrs Hinch, inspires people to get their homes sparkling, organise their lives, and shares little-known hacks with her followers. And in a recent 'Sunday reset' video, she was seen pressing a little-known button to remove her toilet seat to clean it in the shower, leaving followers gobsmacked.
"I've never thought to clean the toilet seat like that, amazing!", someone gushed in the comments. But how did she do it?
Cleaning your toilet seat is important to banish bacteria, and unsightly stains. Bathroom and cleaning expert Nancy Emery, from Drench, said: "Cleaning the bathroom, especially the toilet is really important as this is an area where excess build-up of dirt and bacteria can be the most common and unsightly."
Nancy then revealed the best way to find the "hidden" button, which is located on most modern toilets. She explained that the button is "at the centre of the toilet seat when you lift the lid and seat." For those who don't know, it's called a "quick-release hinge", and by simply pushing the button, you'll be able to "lift the toilet seat off really easily."
Then, much like Mrs Hinch did in her reset video, you can give the toilet seat a really thorough clean - even in the shower. "You can then give the seat a deep clean and have access to areas on the bowl you can't reach with the seat still attached - ultimately giving you a much more hygienic and efficient clean", Nancy said.
If you don't have the hidden button, fear not - you'll probably need to use a screwdriver to detach the seat, but it's worth it for a much-needed deep clean. Nancy suggested trying to do this "at least once a month in addition to your daily and weekly cleaning."