'Government must be held responsible for cutting public health budgets'

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Diabetes is still on the rise in the UK (Image: Getty Images)
Diabetes is still on the rise in the UK (Image: Getty Images)

Britain is sleepwalking into a national health disaster.

In the past six years the number of people with diabetes has risen from 3.6 million to more than 5 million.

Treating diabetes will soon cost the NHS £14billion a year – more than a tenth of the total NHS England budget.

If the rise is unchecked it will lead to more people suffering from heart failure, renal ­problems, degenerating eyesight and strokes.

Everyone has a role to play. The food industry needs to do more to cut salt and sugar, while people need to be encouraged to change their diet and take more exercise.

Teachers, civil servants and train drivers walk out in biggest strike in decade eiqrriqzkiqukinvTeachers, civil servants and train drivers walk out in biggest strike in decade

But the Government must be held responsible for cutting public health budgets, failing to invest in preventative measures and delaying action to curb junk food sales.

The greatest scandal is not that diabetes has become so common but that this epidemic was entirely preventable.

Stop backlogs

In the past seven days more than 1,000 people risked their lives by crossing the English Channel in small boats.

Ministers fear this summer will see record numbers undertaking the perilous journey.

Rishi Sunak has made stopping the boats one of his signature policies but under this Government the backlog for processing asylum claims has reached a high of 160,000.

As a result taxpayers are paying more than £6m a day on housing applicants in temporary accommodation. Tens of millions of pounds have been handed to the French to improve security without any noticeable difference.

The PM should ditch gimmicks such as the Rwanda scheme and focus on tackling ­smuggling gangs and the asylum backlogs.

Spare seat?

The good news is Prince Harry will be attending his father’s Coronation.

The bad news is it will play havoc with the seating plan. If they can keep the whole family happy it will be a crowning achievement.

Voice of the Mirror

Fitness, Public services, Junk food, Heart disease, Royal Family, Prince Harry, NHS

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