'Everyone hates my traditional baby name - they say it's mean and ridiculous'

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She's always loved the name but other people hate it (stock photo) (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

When naming a baby, parents should always consider how their favourite moniker will impact their child as they grow into adulthood. While a normal-sounding first name might be fine on its own, if paired with an unsuitable surname it could lead to a lifetime of ridicule.

Taking to Reddit, one mum-to-be has asked for advice on whether she can call her child the very normal name Paul while revealing her unfortunate family name. She wrote: "I am having a son and I have always loved the name Paul for a boy. However, our last name is Ball. Is Paul Ball a ridiculous name?"

People reading the post were quick to offer their thoughts and advise her to stay clear. One person replied simply: "Please don’t. That is ridiculous." Someone else joked: "My vote is for Basket, Volley, or .....Poké. Okay I'm done. But yeah maybe not Paul. Maybe nothing with 1 syllable but Congratulations on your new baby!"

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Others referenced similar offerings in popular culture, like children's book character Amelia Bedelia, or Julia Gulia from the 1998 film, The Wedding Singer, starring Drew Barrymore. And another person added: "Paul Ball - I'm sorry, but your child will experience undue bullying in most cases... I have an ex with the last name Walczak - it's Polish - and he was endlessly teased with ball-sack jokes throughout his childhood... Paul Ball --- Ball is enough, but don't give him a rhyming name to that ...he will suffer..."

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Deciding on a name can be tricky and many people like to create something new and unique, however it does run the risk of mockery from others. One woman revealed how her cousin's baby's name is so bad she can hardly bring herself to say it.

She wrote on social media: "My 20-year-old cousin had a baby girl last month. She named her something so horrific I cannot even call the baby it. She combined two names and came up with Harlotte, after her grandparents Harvey and Charlotte."

She went on to explain how her cousin kept the name quiet until her daughter's birth - leading to her mum making a scene as soon as she heard it for the first time. She added: "She didn't tell anyone the name idea until after she was named and the papers signed. My mum burst out, 'You named the baby whore?' and my cousin started screaming. We are a loud family, but holy hell."

Eve Wagstaff

Baby Names, Bullying, Marriage, Babies, Drew Barrymore

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