William has 'learned to put on a mask' but remains 'outspoken' as future King

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Prince William
Prince William's 'outspoken' statement came as he visited British Red Cross (Image: PA)

The Prince of Wales has called for "permanent peace" in the Middle East in an emotional - and unusual - statement on the Israel-Gaza war and said that "too many have been killed" since the attack by Hamas upon Israel last October.

Prince William called for the release of hostages taken on 7 October and highlighted the "desperate need for increased humanitarian support to Gaza." As an institution, the monarchy is bound to political neutrality, and William's statement, which one commentator called "outspoken" was met with mixed reviews.

It artfully toed the line on a divisive topic and was deemed "well-intentioned" by another commentator, while remaining carefully focussed on the philanthropic and humanitarian aspects of the conflict, a safer remit for a member of the Royal Family - but it also demonstrated the contrasting obligations faced by the royals.

William, as one of the UK's most recognisable public figures, undoubtedly has the influence that comes with a large platform, and per Kate Mansey for The Times, he feels called to follow in his late mother's footsteps to use this for good. After meeting with humanitarian workers in London, the Mirror has previously reported that a palace source said: "During the engagement, he also said he was 'deeply moved as a father'."

This presents one of the central conflicts faced by those existing within the monarchy: how to stay within their constitutional bounds, and simultaneously true to their personal consciences on what is right and wrong. The late Queen Elizabeth, a dedicated Christian, was known for being a closed book - and King Charles who was once also deemed "outspoken" has been more restrained since taking the throne, although when it comes to making comments that could be deemed political, he is still not quite as hesitant as his mother once was.

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The Times reports that these "outspoken interventions" are "part of a plan for William who, with no time to lose, is manoeuvring from being the well-meaning Duke of Cambridge, who champions mental health causes, to someone altogether more serious. Someone people around the world can recognise as a legitimate king-in-waiting."

However, the newspaper notes that William "for the most part, has learnt to put on a mask. It's a royal role that he seems to play well". In a BBC documentary released in 2017 to mark the 20th anniversary of Diana's death, William himself has spoken about having to shift into work mode and conduct public duty, even as a teenager grieving his mother.

He explained that despite the late Queen initially trying to protect him and his brother from the spotlight, "She felt very torn between being the grandmother to William and Harry, and her Queen role". William and Harry both met with members of the public in the aftermath of their mother's death, and the brothers discussed in the documentary the impact of having to wear their "prince hat" and a "game face" during that difficult time as part of their royal role.

This is a sentiment Harry has reiterated more recently, in his six-part Netflix documentary which was released in December 2022, "When my mum died, we had two hats to wear," he explained, per the Evening Standard, "One was two grieving sons who wanted to cry, grieve, and process that grief because of losing our mum.

"And two was the royal hats, no emotion, get out there, meet the people and shake their hands. An expectation to see William and myself out and about was really hard for the two of us."

The contrast of wearing a "mask" to successfully conduct himself as a national symbol and navigate his private emotions is a path that William has trod since childhood, and while his recent statement shows him willing to take action according to the value system he holds "as a father", he is only one step away from the crown - and the silence it will require of him.

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Emma Mackenzie

Teenagers, Mental health, Grieving, Documentaries, Middle East, The Times, BBC, Hamas, Netflix, Royal Family, King Charles III, Prince William

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