An enraged man filled up a bucket with 44lb of cow excrement before dumping it on a police station counter in Australia.
Claudio Sesia, 66, admitted to the dirty crime after pouring the poo and water-filled pile on the desk of the Miles Police Station in the Western Downs region of Queensland on Wednesday morning.
Upon arrival at the police station, which also deals with traffic offences, he said: "I've come to pay my infringement" as he hoisted the bucket overhead.
As he did, an administrator said: "Don't do it, don't you dare."
The cops pounced on him and pinched him within moments of tipping the mucky contents all over the front desk.
He pleaded guilty to a count of wilful damage at Dalby Magistrates Court.
Police prosecutor Chris Hutchins told the court how the 66-year old covered every surface he could with a "lumpy matter", reports the Courier Mail.
"[Sesia] tipped the contents out which consisted of sloppy liquid, lumpy matter that smelt like fecal matter," he said.
"It spread over the front counter leaving liquid, lumpy matter down the counter, on the shelves and carpet, paperwork and office supplies owned by the police."
During his police interview, he said he'd made the vile gloop by mixing cow excrement with water.
At the time of the incident, he was accompanied by other members of the public, including a little girl who was just three years old.
Sesia was enraged by a dispute he was having with the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR).
Julia Molloy, defending Sesia, said he was upset after repeatedly trying to get the department to pay up after damage to his car caused by a cattle grid.
"He's become exhausted by this red tape, so he's taken the number plates off as the registration is paid to TMR," Ms Molloy said.
"He was issued with an infringement notice for removing the plates. He's become exhausted and had a snap of sorts, and behaved in this matter."
It was his first offence, and he was fined just $200AUD (£105), but required to stump up a $2,175AUD (£1,150) cleaning fee.
Acting Magistrate Walker said he'd never seen this type of behaviour before, adding "I'm not sure what you were trying to do by doing this".