Neo-Nazis and Satanists clash in demo outside world's biggest 'SatanCon' event

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Saturday's 'SatanCon' drew protestors from neo-Nazi group Patriot Front (Image: Getty Images)

Fascists were seen clashing with Satanists in a bizarre crossover at a protest in the US.

The confrontation broke out at a demonstration in Boston, Massachussetts, when hoards of neo-Nazis turned up to protest a 'SatanCon 2023' event.

Conflict arose as hundreds of Satanists converged on the US city for what has been described as the "largest Satanic gathering in history".

Bibles were reportedly burned at the event, while panel discussions were held on topics including, "Reclaiming the Trans Body" and "Deconstructing your Religious Upbringing".

The large-scale gathering however also attracted members of the white nationalist group, Patriot Front, furious at the mainstream event.

Town 'haunted by hellish monster' home to nation's highest number of Satanists eiqehixuiqxeinvTown 'haunted by hellish monster' home to nation's highest number of Satanists
Neo-Nazis and Satanists clash in demo outside world's biggest 'SatanCon' eventPatriot Front members were spotted taking the train in khaki pants, ball caps, and white face masks (RodWebber / Twitter)
Neo-Nazis and Satanists clash in demo outside world's biggest 'SatanCon' eventMembers of the fascist group live streamed the demonstration on Twitch (RodWebber / Twitter)

So-called Patriots were seen confronting people attending the event, while counter-protesters screamed chants of, "Nazis go home" and streamed the event on social platform, Twitch.

Regularly misunderstood as the act of devil-worship, Satanists do not worship or believe in Satan, but base the movement in rejecting religious values and questioning authority.

A statement on the Satanic Temple's site reads: "The mission of the Satanic Temple is to encourage benevolence and empathy, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense, oppose injustice and undertake noble pursuits."

Neo-Nazis and Satanists clash in demo outside world's biggest 'SatanCon' eventSatanism is often confused for devil worship, but is instead a movement based on rejecting religion and its authority (Getty Images)

Despite this, Saturday's SatanCon gathering also attracted around 100 Christians in revolt who defied orders from the city's church officials "not to organise or encourage others to protest".

American Christians demonstrating the event held placards reading "Satan has NO rights" and warning those attending that "hellfire awaits".

The Patriot Front is a relatively new neo-Nazi group, which formed in 2017 following the violent conflict in Charlottesville, Virginia in which anti-racist demonstrator Heather Heyer was tragically killed.

Susie Beever

Far-right politics, Religion, Nazis

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