A dolphin which died after being washed up on a UK coastline was due to rising sea temperatures and climate change, experts have said.
The rare striped dolphin was spotted on Saturday at Praa Sands in Cornwall and despite the best efforts of local to refloat it, they were unable to save it. Penzance Coastguard Rescue Team, British Divers Marine Life Rescue and Marine Mammal Medics were all called to help.
The dolphin's breed is more usually found in the Bay of Biscay near Spain, but rising sea temperatures resulted in the animal making its way towards the UK and then being battered in the waves. Dan Jarvis, from BDMLR, said: "We're seeing a gradual increase of striped dolphin strandings in the UK because of climate change and sea temperatures rising. In the last 20 years there's been an increase we see one or two striped dolphin strandings a year and there's a slight increase in other parts of the UK too."
In August, the Mirror reported on another striped dolphin stranding in Cornwall, which shocked locals and tourists alike. At the time a witness said it was "heartbreaking" and there were plenty of young children watching on who became distressed as they realised what had happened.
They said the dolphin was "swimming round and round but not getting anywhere" before the tide went out and it became stranded. The tourist - who did not wish to be named - told the Mirror: "We were visiting St Ives, walking by the harbour when we noticed crowds of people looking at something in the harbour close to the shore.
"Standers by told us it was a baby dolphin. It had been swimming in very close water and couldn't get over a sand bank to get into deep water. It was heartbreaking to see. We watched it for a while, it was swimming round and round but not getting anywhere.
"A team of rescuers went to try and save it but sadly it didn't look as though they managed to. There were lots of young children around too who realised what was happening, it was so sad. A local man who runs a coffee shop said it will be a baby who has lost its pod."
The main dolphins in the area are Common and Bottlenose and they tend to feed on small fish shoals off the island's shores in the summer - though their appearances can be unpredictable.