Kim Jong-un 'executes general by throwing him in piranha-filled fish tank'

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Kim Jong-Un was said to have executed a general by throwing him into a piranha-filled tank (Image: Getty)
Kim Jong-Un was said to have executed a general by throwing him into a piranha-filled tank (Image: Getty)

Kim Jong-un allegedly executed a general by throwing him into 'a piranha-filled fish tank.'

The general, whose name has not been revealed, was accused of planning a coup but ended up as the latest victim of the newly-developed execution method, according to the Daily Star. It ws reported that the giant fish tank was built inside Kim's Ryongsong Residence. The victim had his arms and torso cut open with knives before he was thrown into the tank, it is alleged.

Sources claim that it was unclear whether the general was killed by the fish, died from his wounds or drowned. The North Korean leader was said to have taken the inspiration from the 1977 James Bond movie 'The Spy Who Loved Me', stated the report. The movie showed villain Karl Stromberg executed his opponents by throwing them into a shark-filled aquarmium.

Kim's aquarium is believed to be filled with several hundred piranhas 'imported from Brazil.' The flesh-eating fish have razor-sharp teeth that could tear the flesh from a corpse in a matter of minutes. Kim has allegedly bumped off 16 senior since he came to power in 2011.

He has previously executed his army chief, the CEO of North Korea's Central Bank and the ambassadors in Cuba and Malaysia. A UK intelligence force told Daily Star: "Kim rules by fear. Many enemies of the state are executed in public. He wants everyone to know, including his most trusted aides, that they are at risk of suffering a very unpleasant death if he suspects they are treasonous.

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"The use of piranha is classic Kim. He is all about using fear and terror as a political tool. Whether or not the use of piranhas is an efficient way of killing someone won't bother him."

Andrew Gilpin

Kim Jong-un

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