'I tried the UK's second toughest parkrun - it's absolutely brutal but glorious'

14 July 2023 , 06:00
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'I tried the UK's second toughest parkrun - it's absolutely brutal but glorious'

Any run that features a 'Dune of Doom' is always going to be a challenge.

But that's exactly what Woolacombe Dunes parkrun offers - and why it's been tipped as the second toughest parkrun in the UK (the first being Great Yarmouth North Beach).

Taking on parkrun is one of my favourite ways to kick off a Saturday. For those who haven't been before, it's a free 5k event you can run, jog or walk, taking place at 9am. There are hundreds of parkruns all over the country, and being a 'parkrun tourist' (where you do the event in a new location) is a key part of my holidays.

So of course when I found out that there was a parkrun on a recent trip to Woolacombe in Devon, I had to try it. Add in its reputation as being a real challenge, and I was sold. Before we'd even started, I was feeling giddy. The start line is in a car park on a hillside above the beach; it doesn't sound scenic, but honestly the views of the beach and coast were incredible.

After the usual parkrun instructions, celebrating milestones and warnings about the Dune of Doom, we were off. The route starts off with gentle downhill slopes through the dunes' sandy trails and stone paths. It's almost impossible not to be awed by the beach views, the green surroundings and the gentle pace (after all, downhill + sand will make a PB pretty tough...).

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However the real highlight came as we reached the beach, when suddenly you're running on the wet sand (thank you, low tide). Woolacombe Beach regularly features on lists of the UK's most beautiful shores, and with its golden sands it was not difficult to see why.

The only drawback? Thousands of jellyfish were out that day, tucked away in the sand, so there was a lot of weaving and trying to avoid slipping on the creatures. (A local later told us that they were the kind that sting and yes, it does hurt).

'I tried the UK's second toughest parkrun - it's absolutely brutal but glorious'Julie took on the UK's second toughest parkrun and loved it (Julie Delahaye)
'I tried the UK's second toughest parkrun - it's absolutely brutal but glorious'The route includes a stretch on the beach (Julie Delahaye)

After the elation of running along the sand, it was time for the Dune of Doom. I took all of three strides up, and then abandoned all hopes of a PB, or even running up it at all. The dune is dry sand so every step you take feels like you're slightly sliding backwards. It's also a steep slope, so it became a real 'hands on knees' situation.

Reaching the top, you get a real sense of achievement when you've conquered it, and the volunteers were on hand to cheer you along. Brutal, but glorious.

After the Dune of Doom I was hoping for some downhill, but it was time to get back on the trails, this time with a gentle but relentless incline. I was trying to give myself a pep talk when one cheerful runner alongside me pointed up to the top of a high cliffside and said, 'Oh look, you can see the finish line up there!'. I was severely unimpressed, but felt determined to plod on.

We soon reached the 'Slope of Hope'. As I had suspected from the moment I first heard the name, it was not particularly hope-inspiring. A fairly hefty steep climb towards the end of the run, it was time for another pep talk - but luckily, the parkrun marshalls were there to cheer us on, and it made for a really lovely atmosphere.

From there it was back on the car park tarmac, a gloriously sturdy surface, all the way through to the finish line. When I finished, I was elated. The route is definitely a challenge, but I still enjoyed every bit of it. Even the Dune of Doom - had you asked me during I would have definitely used a few very-unparkrun-words, but when you reach the top, it's so satisfying.

It's definitely a parkrun I'll be doing again - the runner's high lasted me all weekend!

Want to check it out for yourself? Head to parkrun.org.uk/woolacombedunes to find out more. Julie is a member of Garden City Runners.

Julie Delahaye
