'My mother-in-law is so offended by my baby's name she refuses to speak to me'

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The woman told her mother-in-law to
The woman told her mother-in-law to 'get over it' (stock photo) (Image: Getty Images)

A new mum has been shamed by her pushy mother-in-law for giving her daughter an "offensive" name. 

She explained how she wanted to name her daughter after her grandmother, who just so happens to share a name with a woman her mother-in-law can't stand.

Not knowing why she dislikes the name so much, she continued with her plan to name her firstborn daughter Fiona Anne. The 28-year-old said on Reddit: "I just had my first child - but something is really draining the joy away from this special bonding time with my child.

'My mother-in-law is so offended by my baby's name she refuses to speak to me' qhiukiuiqktinvThe woman wanted to name her daughter after her grandmother (stock photo) (Getty Images)

"My mother-in-law is upset with my husband and I over the middle name we have chosen for our daughter.

"She is offended, hurt and can't let it go."

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She went on to explain how her mother-in-law shared her dislike for the name when she and her husband first started mulling over their options.

"When we announced that we were calling our baby girl Fiona Anne, she got immediately upset," she added.

"Anne was the name of someone in her past who she was deeply hurt and betrayed by - and I guess she still holds onto that grudge.

"She said she would be just as hurt if we went along with our plan to include Anne in our daughter's name.

"At the time, I was very pregnant and sassy - I pretty much told her she'd have to get over it, and be excited for new context to be added to the name.

"And that was that... until my daughter was born."

But the second she legally registered her daughter with this name, her mother-in-law turned her back on her entirely.

She said: "Now she will not talk to us. She has blocked my number. When I try to text her baby pictures, they are never 'delivered.'

'My mother-in-law is so offended by my baby's name she refuses to speak to me'She named her daughter Fiona Anne (stock photo) (Getty Images)

"She has been talking to people close to us about how hurt she is. She will not directly address this with us, but we have heard from my brother and sister-in-laws that my mother-in-law is beside herself over this."

However, her mother-in-law only shared why she can't stand the name when other family members forced her to open up about it.

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"'Evil Anne' was in fact my mother-in-law's own evil mother-in-law, my husband's grandmother on his father's side," she added.

"They had a huge falling out following a messy divorce 25 years ago.

"However, my husband has no contact with that side of the family and no memories of 'evil Anne' due to estrangement and the fact that they live an ocean away.

"To him, Anne didn't strike a bad chord. He barely knew about this deep resentment for his grandmother until we brought up the name.

"She thinks I chose the name on purpose as some kind of a power move, or slight to her, which is just not true.

"All I wanted was to include my grandmothers name in my daughters name because that's always been important to me."

While most users showed their support to the new mum and her choice in baby name, others slammed the mother-in-law for trying to steal the "limelight" in the situation.

One user said: "It's a middle name, for heaven's sake. Your mother-in-law has the association, not you or your husband.

"If she's willing to throw away a relationship with her grandchild and her son because of a name association, she's got some seriously disordered thinking."

Another user said: "Enjoy the silence. She's crazy jealous of the attention you and her grandchild are receiving. It's a relief - keep her away."

One more user added: "This lady sounds extremely self-centred. Anne is also a very common middle name. Me and my mum both have Ann as our middle names.

"Honestly, good riddance. She decided to make a joyful time all about herself.

"If she's cutting out her grandchild over some ancient feud with some entirely irrelevant rando then you don't need her in your life at all."

Paige Freshwater

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