Mystery over Constance Marten's missing baby as police test placenta

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A CCTV image of Constance Marten and Mark Gordon, dated January 7 (Image: PA)
A CCTV image of Constance Marten and Mark Gordon, dated January 7 (Image: PA)

Police are testing placenta found in Constance Marten and her boyfriend Mark Gordon's car to try and determine the gender of their missing two-month-old baby.

The couple have been avoiding police since the infant was born in early January, moving around the country, paying for everything in cash and covering their faces when on CCTV.

They were finally arrested at around 9.30pm last night on suspicion of child neglect by officers from Sussex Police.

The couple were held after a tip-off from a member of the public, but the baby was not with them.

Metropolitan Police said an urgent search operation is now underway to find the infant, who has not had any medical attention since birth in early January.

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Mystery over Constance Marten's missing baby as police test placentaMarten (pictured) and Gordon were arrested last night (PA)
Mystery over Constance Marten's missing baby as police test placentaThey remain in police custody (PA)

Detectives hope the baby is still alive and in the care of another person, but say the risks are high after temperatures dipped to 1C overnight.

It is unknown if the infant was full-term or has any health issues.

The Met's DSI Lewis Bashford told The Sun: "We can’t say at this time if it’s a boy or a girl and we are still awaiting test results from the placenta found in their car on the M61.

Mystery over Constance Marten's missing baby as police test placentaPolice have launched a huge search for the missing baby (Adam Gerrard / Daily Mirror)

"At the moment, we are still in the position where they have been arrested on suspicion of child neglect and there is a search for the baby.

"We are looking at open land, outbuildings where they may have placed the baby while they were in the local area before we arrested them."

Pictures showed officers guarding a shed on an allotment this morning, as they scour a huge area between Brighton and Newhaven - where the couple were spotted a few days ago.

Mystery over Constance Marten's missing baby as police test placentaThe search scene at Stanmer Villas in Brighton (Adam Gerrard / Daily Mirror)

Locals are also being asked to check any outhouses, and to report anything unusual.

.Marten, 35, and Gordon, 48, have been travelling around the UK by taxi since their car was found burning on the M61 in Bolton, Greater Manchester, on January 5.

The couple travelled from Bolton to Liverpool, then to Harwich in Essex, then to east London and then to Newhaven in Sussex, where they were seen near the ferry port on January 8.

Mystery over Constance Marten's missing baby as police test placentaPolice searching an allotment site today (Adam Gerrard / Daily Mirror)

They spent time sleeping rough in a blue tent, often moving around at night and in the early hours of the morning to avoid detection.

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Marten, who is from a wealthy aristocratic family, was a promising drama student when she first met Gordon in 2016.

Since then the couple have led an isolated life, and in September, as Marten's pregnancy progressed, began moving around rental flats.

Mystery over Constance Marten's missing baby as police test placentaMarten is from a wealthy aristocratic family (Facebook)

In an appeal a week ago, Shereen Nimmo, director of midwifery for Barts Health NHS Trust, urged the couple to bring the baby in for checks.

She said: "You're putting your baby at risk by not accessing medical care, so it's really important that you come and see a midwife, doctor or another healthcare professional as soon as possible.

"Babies need a safe, warm environment and all new mums are given information about safe sleeping for their baby to prevent sudden infant death syndrome.

Mystery over Constance Marten's missing baby as police test placentaA pair of pink child's earmuffs being collected by an officer in Brighton today (PA)

"Please do the right thing for your baby and go to your nearest healthcare facility so my caring colleagues can take care of you and your baby. All we want to do is help you."

At the time, Mr Basford said around 50 officers were working on the case at any one time and more than 630 hours of CCTV had been viewed.

He said there had been more than 350 calls to police from the public with information following previous appeals.

Anyone who may be able to assist in the search for the couple's baby is urged to contact 999.

Katie Weston

Constance Marten, Missing persons, Sussex Police, Metropolitan Police

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